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周雪 张皓 王祝萍

周雪, 张皓, 王祝萍. 扩展卡尔曼滤波在受到恶意攻击系统中的状态估计. 自动化学报, 2020, 46(1): 38-46. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c170609
引用本文: 周雪, 张皓, 王祝萍. 扩展卡尔曼滤波在受到恶意攻击系统中的状态估计. 自动化学报, 2020, 46(1): 38-46. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c170609
ZHOU Xue, ZHANG Hao, WANG Zhu-Ping. Extended Kalman Filtering in State Estimation Systems With Malicious Attacks. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2020, 46(1): 38-46. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c170609
Citation: ZHOU Xue, ZHANG Hao, WANG Zhu-Ping. Extended Kalman Filtering in State Estimation Systems With Malicious Attacks. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2020, 46(1): 38-46. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c170609


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c170609

国家自然科学基金 61922063

国家自然科学基金 61773289

上海自然科学基金 17ZR1445800

上海自然科学基金 19ZR1461400

上海曙光计划 18SG18


    周雪   同济大学控制科学与工程系研究生.2016年获得合肥工业大学自动化专业学士学位.主要研究方向为无线传感器网络. E-mail: 1631560@tongji.edu.cn

    王祝萍  同济大学电子与信息工程学院教授.1994年和1997年获得西北工业大学自动控制学院学士学位与硕士学位.2003年获得新加坡国立大学博士学位.主要研究方向为机器人智能控制, 自动驾驶, 非完整性控制系统. E-mail: elewzp@tongji.edu.cn


    张皓   同济大学电子与信息工程学院教授.2007年获得华中科技大学控制科学与工程博士学位.2001年获得武汉科技大学学士学位.主要研究方向为网络控制系统, 多智能体系统, 复杂系统.本文通信作者. E-mail: 07102@tongji.edu.cn

Extended Kalman Filtering in State Estimation Systems With Malicious Attacks


National Natural Science Foundation of China 61922063

National Natural Science Foundation of China 61773289

Shanghai Natural Science Foundation 17ZR1445800

Shanghai Natural Science Foundation 19ZR1461400

Shanghai Shuguang Project 18SG18

More Information
    Author Bio:

    ZHOU Xue  Master student in the Department of Control Science and Engineering, Tongji University. She received her bachelor degree in automation from Hefei University of Technology in 2016. Her research interest covers wireless sensor networks

    WANG Zhu-Ping   Professor at the School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Tongji University. She received her Ph. D. degree in National University of Singapore in 2003, and received her bachelor and master degree from the Department of Automatic Control Northwestern Polytechnic University in 1994 and 1997, respectively. Her research interest covers intelligent control of robotic systems, selfdriving vehicles, and nonholonomic control systems

    Corresponding author: ZHANG Hao   Professor at the School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Tongji University. She received her Ph. D. degree in control theory and control engineering from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 2007 and received her bachelor degree in automatic control from Wuhan University of Technology in 2001. Her research interest covers network based control systems, multi-agent systems, and complex networks. Corresponding author of this paper
  • 摘要: 设计了一种分布式扩展卡尔曼滤波器(Extended Kalman filter, EKF), 对非线性目标状态进行估计.在设计过程中, 对滤波误差上界进行优化, 获得了最优滤波增益.此外, 在通信过程中, 考虑恶意攻击信号的同时引入了分布式事件触发机制, 使得系统在保持一定的估计精度的情况下节省通信资源.最后, 以室内的机器人定位问题为例, 验证了提出的滤波器的有效性.
    Recommended by Associate Editor ZHANG Jun-Ping
    1)  本文责任编委 张军平
  • 图  1  带有事件触发的滤波网络攻击示意图

    Fig.  1  The diagram of attacks on an event-based filtering network

    图  2  摄像头分布拓扑图

    Fig.  2  The topology of the camera

    图  3  欺骗攻击示意图

    Fig.  3  The diagram of deception attacks

    图  4  对$p_{i, k}$的估计效果

    Fig.  4  The estimation performance of $p_{i, k}$

    图  5  对$q_{i, k}$的估计效果

    Fig.  5  The estimation performance of $q_{i, k}$

    图  6  8个传感器的滤波误差

    Fig.  6  The estimation error of 8 sensors

    图  7  事件触发示意图

    Fig.  7  The diagram of event-trigger

    表  1  不同$\bar{\pmb{\vartheta}}_{i, k}$对应的RMSE

    Table  1  RMSE corresponding to different $\bar{\pmb{\vartheta}}_{i, k}$

    $\bar{\pmb{\vartheta}}_{i, k}$ 5 7 9 11 13 15
    RMSE 0.2 0.25 1.38 8.75 15.59
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