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徐思雨 祝继华 田智强 李垚辰 庞善民

徐思雨, 祝继华, 田智强, 李垚辰, 庞善民. 逐步求精的多视角点云配准方法. 自动化学报, 2019, 45(8): 1486-1494. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c170556
引用本文: 徐思雨, 祝继华, 田智强, 李垚辰, 庞善民. 逐步求精的多视角点云配准方法. 自动化学报, 2019, 45(8): 1486-1494. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c170556
XU Si-Yu, ZHU Ji-Hua, TIAN Zhi-Qiang, LI Yao-Chen, PANG Shan-Min. Stepwise Refinement Approach for Registration of Multi-view Point Sets. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2019, 45(8): 1486-1494. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c170556
Citation: XU Si-Yu, ZHU Ji-Hua, TIAN Zhi-Qiang, LI Yao-Chen, PANG Shan-Min. Stepwise Refinement Approach for Registration of Multi-view Point Sets. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2019, 45(8): 1486-1494. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c170556


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c170556

国家自然科学基金 61573273

轨道交通工程信息化国家重点实验室(中铁一院)开放研究课题 SKLK16-0


    徐思雨  西安交通大学软件学院硕士研究生.主要研究方向为计算机视觉与机器学习.E-mail:xsy_xjtu@163.com

    田智强  西安交通大学软件学院副教授.主要研究方向为计算机视觉和机器学习.E-mail:zhiqiangtian@xjtu.edu.cn

    李垚辰   西安交通大学软件学院讲师.主要研究方向为计算机视觉和模式识别.E-mail:yaochenli@xjtu.edu.cn

    庞善民  西安交通大学软件学院副教授.主要研究方向为计算机视觉, 模式识别和图像处理.E-mail:pangsm@xjtu.edu.cn


    祝继华   西安交通大学软件学院副教授.2011年获得西安交通大学模式识别与智能系统博士学位.主要研究方向为计算机视觉, 移动机器人与机器学习.本文通信作者.E-mail:zhujh@xjtu.edu.cn

Stepwise Refinement Approach for Registration of Multi-view Point Sets


National Natural Science Foundation of China 61573273

State Key Laboratory of Rail Transit Engineering Informatization (FSDI) SKLK16-0

More Information
    Author Bio:

    Master student at the School of Software Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University. Her research interest covers computer vision and machine learning

    Associate professor at the School of Software Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University. His research interest covers computer vision and machine learning

    Lecturer at the School of Software Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University. His research interest covers computer vision and pattern recognition

    Associate professor at the School of Software Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University. His research interest covers computer vision, pattern recognition, and image processing

    Corresponding author: ZHU Ji-Hua Associate professor at the State Key Laboratory of Rail Transit Engineering Informatization (FSDI), and the School of Software Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University. He received the Ph. D. degree in pattern recognition and intelligent system from Xi'an Jiaotong University in 2011. His research interest covers computer vision, mobile robots, and machine learning. Corresponding author of this paper
  • 摘要: 针对多视角点云配准问题,本文设计了一个合理的目标函数,便于将多视角配准问题分解成多个双视角配准问题,并考虑了两个要素:1)各帧点云均具有其他所有点云所未覆盖的区域;2)基准帧点云的重要程度高于其他点云.为了求解该目标函数,本文提出了逐步求精的解决策略:根据给定的配准初值构造初始模型,依次取出基准帧以外的每帧点云,利用所提出的双视角配准算法计算该帧点云的配准参数,并修正模型,以便进一步计算后续点云的配准参数.遍历完全部点云构成一次完整的循环,多次循环后可获得精确的多视角配准结果.公开数据集上的实验结果表明,本文所提出的方法能够精确、可靠地实现多视角点云配准.
    1)  本文责任编委 黄庆明
  • 图  1  从兔子模型上采集得到的多视角点云

    Fig.  1  Multi-view point sets acquired from the Bunny model

    图  2  逐步求精的多视角点云配准方法原理图

    Fig.  2  The framework of stepwise refinement approach for the registration of multi-view point sets

    图  3  逐步求精的多视角点云配准方法原理图

    Fig.  3  The framework of stepwise refinement approach for the registration of multi-view point sets

    图  4  不同噪声水平下的各多视角点云配准方法对比结果

    Fig.  4  Comparison results of competed approaches under different noise levels

    图  5  基于多视角点云配准方法的三维场景重建结果

    Fig.  5  3D reconstructed result of scene based on the multi-view registration approach

    表  1  复杂度分析结果

    Table  1  Complexity analysis results

    操作 计算复杂度 执行次数
    构造不完整模型 O$(M_i)$ 1
    创建$k$-d树 O$({M{'}}\lg {M{'}})$ 1
    建立点对关系 O$({M_{i}}\lg {M{'}})$ $\le K$
    计算权重 O$({M_{i}})$ $\le K$
    计算刚体变换 O$({M_{i}})$ $\le K$
    更新模型 O$(M_i)$ 1
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    表  2  测试数据集的基本信息

    Table  2  The basic information of testing datasets

    Armadillo Buddha Bunny Dragon
    点云帧数 12 15 10 15
    总点数 307 625 1 099 005 362 272 469 193
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    表  3  各种逐步求精策略的配准结果

    Table  3  Registration results of different stepwise refinements

    ${e_{{R}}}$ ${e_{ t}}$ ${e_{{R}}}$ ${e_{ t}}$ ${e_{{R}}}$ ${e_{ t}}$ ${e_{{R}}}$ ${e_{ t}}$ ${e_{{R}}}$ ${e_{ t}}$
    Bunny 0.0588 1.3296 0.0114 0.9066 0.0148 1.1977 0.0085 0.8186 0.0071 0.4539
    Dragon 0.0400 1.5015 0.0210 1.7705 0.0102 0.9778 0.0100 0.8231 0.0071 0.8042
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    表  4  不同多视角点云配准方法的实验对比结果

    Table  4  Results of different multi-view registration approaches

    数据集 初始 MA[20] LRS[21] 本文算法
    ${e_{{R}}}$ ${e_{ t}}$ ${e_{{R}}}$ ${e_{ t}}$ 时间(min) ${e_{{R}}}$ ${e_{ t}}$ 时间(min) ${e_{{R}}}$ ${e_{ t}}$ 时间(min)
    Armadillo 0.0509 0.9856 0.0318 1.8868 0.1811 0.0188 3.0913 0.3290 0.0039 0.9247 0.7000
    Buddha 0.0382 1.4313 0.0127 0.9337 0.6772 0.0102 0.8960 1.7947 0.0066 0.9834 3.9372
    Bunny 0.0588 1.3296 0.0110 0.6797 0.1896 0.0116 0.9009 0.6883 0.0071 0.4539 0.5684
    Dragon 0.0400 1.5015 0.0170 1.1386 0.2446 0.0244 1.5335 0.4572 0.0071 0.8042 0.2930
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