针对新时代下我国矿区智能化发展诉求与矿山无人化进程中遇到的复现难、协同难的技术问题, 本文融合智慧矿山理念、ACP (Artificial societies + computational experiments + parallel execution)平行智能理论和新一代智能技术, 设计并实现了智慧矿山操作系统 (Intelligent mine operation system, IMOS), 为平行矿山智能管理与控制一体化提出了解决方案. 本文首先分析露天煤矿产业发展趋势; 国内外露天矿山智能化发展情况; 面向露天矿山无人化与智能化需求, 深度融合数字四胞胎理论, 设计了虚实融合的IMOS架构; 详细阐述了IMOS子系统架构与功能, 包括: 单车作业系统、多车协同系统、车路协同系统、无人驾驶智能系统、调度管理系统、平行系统、监管系统、远程接管系统和通信系统; 并探讨了IMOS关键技术, 即平行矿山仿真建模技术、无人驾驶技术、矿区通信技术和协同作业技术. 该操作系统是国内首套露天矿山无人化与智能化的一体化解决方案, 并能够迁移到不同矿区不同作业场景, 推动矿区智能化无人化发展, 减少人工干预从而降低安全风险, 大幅度降低人工成本, 提高生产作业效率, 并可结合社会发展要素为实现绿色可持续发展矿区提供支撑.
Abstract:In view of the development of coal mine industries in China, the requests to unmanned mines are urgently and immediately. In this paper, the parallel management and control of mining operating infrastructure that integrates the smart mine theories, the ACP (artificial societies + computational experiments + parallel execution) based parallel intelligence approaches and the new generation of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies (including data fusion, knowledge graph, edge computing, etc.) is proposed. The intelligent mine operation system (IMOS) that realizes parallel mining is designed. This paper analyzes the development trends of open-pit coal mines industries, the stages of current researches on intelligentization of open-pit mines at home and abroad, and deeply integrates with digital quadruple theory to design the IMOS architecture. Besides, the IMOS subsystems are introduced in details, including: the single-vehicle operating subsystem, multi-vehicle collaboration subsystem, vehicle-road collaboration subsystem, unmanned intelligent subsystem, dispatch management subsystem, parallel management and control subsystem, supervisory subsystem, remote takeover subsystem and communication subsystem; and the key technologies in IMOS are discussed. The smart mine operating system presented in this paper is the first systemic integrative solution for unmanned and intelligent mine, which covered all scenarios in open-pit mine intelligence, and taking social development factors as the measurement for mining area sustainable development.
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