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李迎 张大朋 刘希龙 徐德

项盛文, 范红旗, 付强. 模式失配条件下连续时间控制系统的零控脱靶量估计误差分布. 自动化学报, 2018, 44(10): 1824-1832. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c170251
引用本文: 李迎, 张大朋, 刘希龙, 徐德. 基于单目显微视觉的微球姿态测量方法. 自动化学报, 2019, 45(7): 1281-1289. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c180009
XIANG Sheng-Wen, FAN Hong-Qi, FU Qiang. Distribution of Zero-effort Miss Distance Estimation Errors in Continuous-time Controlled System With Mode Mismatch. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2018, 44(10): 1824-1832. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c170251
Citation: LI Ying, ZHANG Da-Peng, LIU Xi-Long, XU De. A Pose Measurement Method for Micro Sphere Based on Monocular Microscopic Vision. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2019, 45(7): 1281-1289. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c180009


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c180009

国家自然科学基金 61673382

科学挑战专题 TZ2018006-0204-02

国家自然科学基金 61733004

国家自然科学基金 61673383


    李迎  中国科学院自动化研究所硕士研究生.2016年获得华北电力大学(保定)学士学位.主要研究方向为视觉测量, 视觉控制, 微装配与机器学习.E-mail:liying2016@ia.ac.cn

    张大朋  中国科学院自动化研究所副研究员.2003年、2006年获得河北工业大学学士和硕士学位.2011年获得北京航空航天大学博士学位.主要研究方向为视觉控制, 微装配, 医疗机器人.E-mail:dapeng.zhang@ia.ac.cn

    刘希龙  中国科学院自动化研究所副研究员.2009年获得北京交通大学学士学位.2014年获得中国科学院自动化研究所博士学位.主要研究方向为图像处理, 视觉测量, 服务机器人.E-mail:xilong.liu@ia.ac.cn


    徐德  中国科学院自动化研究所研究员.1985年、1990年获得山东工业大学学士、硕士学位.2001年获得浙江大学博士学位.主要研究方向为机器人视觉测量, 视觉控制, 智能控制, 视觉定位, 显微视觉, 微装配.本文通信作者. E-mail:de.xu@ia.ac.cn

A Pose Measurement Method for Micro Sphere Based on Monocular Microscopic Vision


National Natural Science Foundation of China 61673382

Science Challenge Project TZ2018006-0204-02

National Natural Science Foundation of China 61733004

National Natural Science Foundation of China 61673383

More Information
    Author Bio:

     Master student at the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IACAS). He received his bachelor degree from North China Electric Power University (Baoding) in 2016. His research interest covers visual measurement, visual control, micro-assembly, and machine learning

     Associate professor at the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IACAS). He received his bachelor and master degrees from the Hebei University of Technology in 2003 and 2006, respectively, and Ph. D. degree from the Beihang University in 2011. His reaearch interest covers visual control, micro-assembly, and medical robot

     Associate professor at the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IACAS). He received his bachelor degree from Beijing Jiaotong University in 2009 and his Ph. D. degree from Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IACAS) in 2014. His reaearch interest covers image processing, visual measurement, and service robot

    Corresponding author: XU De  Professor at the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He received his bachelor degree and master degree from Shandong University of Technology in 1985 and 1990, respectively, and received his Ph. D. degree from Zhejiang University in 2001. His research interest covers robotics and automation such as visual measurement, visual control, intelligent control, visual positioning, microscopic vision, and microassembly. Corresponding author of this paper
  • 摘要: 微零件的姿态测量对微装配具有重要的作用.但对于微球零件,其姿态的精确测量存在困难,影响了装配精度.针对带有微孔的微球,本文提出了一种基于单目显微视觉的微球姿态高精度测量方法.设计了一种由粗到精的微孔检测算法,实现了高精度的微孔定位.通过对相机光轴方向的标定,在相机运动后对微球图像坐标进行补偿,提高了在相机坐标系下的微球定位精度.通过对微球和微孔的精确定位,计算出微球球心与微孔圆心的空间相对位置,实现了相机坐标系下高精度的微球姿态测量.同时,根据标定出的相机坐标系与调整平台坐标系之间的旋转关系,将微球姿态转换到调整平台坐标系.实验结果表明,最大姿态测量误差0.3度,验证了本文方法的有效性.

  • 本文责任编委 董峰
  • 图  1  微球零件示意图

    Fig.  1  Micro-sphere component

    图  2  实验系统示意图

    Fig.  2  Experiment system

    图  3  实验系统坐标系

    Fig.  3  Coordinates of experiment system

    图  4  相机聚焦示意图

    Fig.  4  Camera focusing

    图  5  微球上的微孔

    Fig.  5  The micro-hole on the micro-sphere

    图  6  微孔、微球定位流程图

    Fig.  6  Location flow chart of micro-hole and micro-sphere

    图  7  微孔边缘的精确提取示意图

    Fig.  7  Precision extraction of micro-hole edge

    图  8  实验系统

    Fig.  8  The real experiment system

    图  9  微孔边缘点提取结果

    Fig.  9  The edge extraction result of micro-hole

    图  10  微孔精确定位结果

    Fig.  10  The precision location result of micro-hole

    图  11  微球精确定位结果

    Fig.  11  The precision location result of micro-sphere

    图  12  在坐标系{C}中的微球姿态向量

    Fig.  12  The pose vector of micro-sphere in {C}

    图  13  YW轴旋转后的姿态向量

    Fig.  13  The pose vector after rotating along with YW axis

    图  14  XW轴旋转后的姿态向量

    Fig.  14  The pose vector after rotating along with XW axis

    图  15  同时绕XWYW轴旋转后的姿态向量

    Fig.  15  The pose vector after rotating along with XW and YW axis, simultaneously

    表  1  在坐标系{C}中的微球姿态向量

    Table  1  The pose vector of micro-sphere in {C}

    编号 1 2 3 4 5
    xc 0.0350 0.0362 0.0366 0.0370 0.0375
    yc 0.0186 0.0254 0.0320 0.0378 0.0439
    zc -0.9992 -0.9990 -0.9988 -0.9985 -0.9983
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    表  2  YW轴旋转的实验结果

    Table  2  The results of rotating along with YW axis

    XW, YW旋转角(度)
    编号 真实值 测量值
    1 0, -3 -0.04, -3.0
    2 0, -2 -0.02, -2.0
    3 0, -1 -0.04, -1.0
    4 0, 1 0.06, 1.1
    5 0, 2 -0.00, 2.2
    6 0, 3 0.12, 3.1
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    表  3  XW轴旋转的实验结果

    Table  3  The results of rotating along with XW axis

    XW, YW旋转角(度)
    编号 真实值 测量值
    1 -5, 0 -4.9, -0.03
    2 -4, 0 -3.9, 0.02
    3 -3, 0 -2.9, -0.01
    4 -2, 0 -2.0, -0.02
    5 -1, 0 -1.0, -0.05
    6 1, 0 1.0, -0.02
    7 2, 0 2.0, -0.04
    8 3, 0 3.0, 0.01
    9 4, 0 3.9, 0.01
    10 5, 0 4.9, -0.03
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    表  4  同时绕XWYW轴旋转的实验结果

    Table  4  The results of rotating along with XW, YW axis, simultaneously

    XW, YW旋转角(度)
    编号 真实值 测量值
    1 -5, -3 -4.8, -3.1
    2 -3, -2 -3.0, -2.1
    3 -1, -1 -1.0, -1.1
    4 1, 1 1.0, 0.9
    5 3, 2 3.0, 1.8
    6 5, 3 4.8, 2.8
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