摘要: 针对长时海量心电信号自动分类系统中,心电专家诊断费时、费力和成本高,心电信号形态复杂导致特征提取困难,异常诊断模型适应性差、准确度低等问题,本文提出一种基于深度学习和模糊C均值的心电信号分类方法.该方法主要包括心电信号降噪预处理、心电信号分段和采样点统一化、无监督心跳特征学习、模糊C均值分类4个步骤,给出了模糊C均值深度信念网络FCMDBN模型结构和学习分类算法.仿真实验基于MIT-BIH心率异常数据库表明,与基于传统心电特征人工设计的分类方法相比,本文提出的信号诊断方法具有较高的适应性和准确度.Abstract: In the classification system for longtime and massive ECG signals, ECG diagnosis is time-consuming, laborious and costly. It is difficult to extract signal features because of the complex ECG morphology. The diagnosis model has low adaptability and accuracy. To solve the above problem, a novel method for ECG classification using deep learning and fuzzy C-means is proposed. The method includes four steps:ECG signal preprocessing, heartbeat segmentation and sampling point unification, ECG feature deep learning, fuzzy C-means classification. The structure and algorithm of fuzzy C-means deep belief networks (FCMDBN) are shown in the paper. The method is validated on the well-known MIT-BIH arrhythmia database. Experiment results show that the approach achieves higher adaptability and accuracy than traditional hand-designed methods on classification of ECG signals.
Key words:
- ECG classification /
- deep learning /
- fuzzy C-means /
- deep belief networks (DBNs)
1) 本文责任编委 付俊 -
表 1 5类心律MIT-BIH实验数据集
Table 1 The data set of MIT-BIH including five types of cardiac rhythms
数据集 类型 心跳记录 NORM LBBB RBBB PVC APC 合计 $DS1$ 训练数据集 100、105、108、111、114、116、118、201、203、207、208、209、215
219、222、228、23330 179 3 578 2 251 3 387 892 40 287 $DS2$ 测试数据集 103、106、109、119、124、205、214、221、223、231、232 14 560 1 999 3 182 2 247 1 462 23 450 表 2 5类心律特征中心点
Table 2 The centers of feature vectors of five kinds of cardiac rhythms
特征点 NORM LBBB RBBB PVC APC $F1$ $ -$1.8883 $ -$4.9128 $ -$1.8114 3.2888 2.3609 $F2$ $ -$1.8629 0.2611 4.3143 2.0445 2.5327 $F3$ $ -$2.4740 $ -$2.5394 $ -$1.5449 2.5297 2.2344 $F4$ $ -$3.8821 0.3071 0.3587 2.9173 1.6611 $F5$ $ -$2.4890 $ -$0.4371 1.7242 1.1693 $ -$2.5217 $F6$ $ -$0.1716 $ -$2.3649 1.0338 2.7506 2.4165 $F7$ $ -$0.4175 1.6318 1.1534 3.2230 $ -$2.3545 $F8$ 1.5320 0.2320 3.5207 2.8277 0.2495 $F9$ 4.4273 1.9278 2.1546 2.6333 $ -$1.7905 $F10$ 2.7375 0.4500 0.7206 1.4910 $ -$0.8220 表 3 FCMDBN模型在DS2数据集上的分类混淆矩阵
Table 3 Confusion matrix for ECG arrhythmias classification on DS2 using the FCMDBN
心律类型 NORM LBBB RBBB PVC APC Total NORM 14 316 111 69 39 25 14 560 LBBB 23 1 811 57 51 57 1 999 RBBB 32 12 3 001 86 51 3 182 PVC 36 29 49 2 121 12 2 247 APC 12 20 11 28 1 391 1 462 表 4 分类结果性能比较
Table 4 Performance comparison of classification results
方法 NORM LBBB RBBB PVC APC Se (%) 98.32 90.59 94.31 94.39 95.14 FCMDBN PPV (%) 99.28 91.32 94.16 91.22 90.55 TCA (%) 96.54 Se (%) 98.28 90.35 86.97 92.19 94.86 FCMM [12] PPV(%) 97.38 90.97 87.07 86.82 93.87 TCA (%) 93.57 Se (%) 94.80 58.10 88.50 88.80 74.50 Knn-NN [36] PPV (%) 98.09 74.36 78.86 54.79 78.49 TCA (%) Se (%) 100 48.0 74.6 98.6 99.3 MLP PPV (%) 92.6 96.0 99.1 81.3 78.8 network [37] TCA (%) 87.6 -
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