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杨天皓 李健 贾瑶 刘腾飞 柴天佑

杨天皓, 李健, 贾瑶, 刘腾飞, 柴天佑. 虚拟未建模动态补偿驱动的双率自适应控制. 自动化学报, 2018, 44(2): 299-310. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c160623
引用本文: 杨天皓, 李健, 贾瑶, 刘腾飞, 柴天佑. 虚拟未建模动态补偿驱动的双率自适应控制. 自动化学报, 2018, 44(2): 299-310. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c160623
YANG Tian-Hao, LI Jian, JIA Yao, LIU Teng-Fei, CHAI Tian-You. Dual-rate Adaptive Control Driven by Virtual Unmodeled Dynamics Compensation in Industrial Heat Exchange Process. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2018, 44(2): 299-310. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c160623
Citation: YANG Tian-Hao, LI Jian, JIA Yao, LIU Teng-Fei, CHAI Tian-You. Dual-rate Adaptive Control Driven by Virtual Unmodeled Dynamics Compensation in Industrial Heat Exchange Process. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2018, 44(2): 299-310. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c160623


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c160623

国家自然科学基金 61603393

国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划) 2015AA043802

中国博士后科学基金 2015M581355


    杨天皓  北京矿冶科技集团有限公司助理工程师.2014年和2017年在东北大学获得学士学位和硕士学位.主要研究方向为选冶过程的建模, 控制与优化.E-mail:yangtianhao@bgrimm.com

    贾瑶  流程工业综合自动化国家重点实验室博士研究生.主要研究方向为复杂工业过程控制理论及技术.E-mail:jiayao_neu@163.com

    刘腾飞  东北大学教授.主要研究方向为非线性系统稳定性, 鲁棒控制, 自适应控制, 分布式控制.E-mail:tfliu@mail.neu.edu.cn

    柴天佑  中国工程院院士, 东北大学教授.IEEE Fellow, IFAC Fellow, 欧亚科学院院士.主要研究方向为自适应控制, 智能解耦控制, 流程工业综合自动化理论, 方法与技术.E-mail:tychai@mail.neu.edu.cn

Dual-rate Adaptive Control Driven by Virtual Unmodeled Dynamics Compensation in Industrial Heat Exchange Process


National Natural Science Foundation of China 61603393

National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Program) 2015AA043802

China Postdoctoral Science Foundation 2015M581355

More Information
    Author Bio:

     Assistant engineer at the Institute of Information Technology and Automation, Beijing General Research Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (BGRIMM) Technology Group. He received his bachelor and master degrees from Northeastern University in 2014 and 2017, respectively. His research interest covers modeling, controlling, and optimization in the process of beneficiation and metallurgy

     Ph. D. candidate at the State Key Laboratory of Synthetical Automation for Process Industries. His research interest covers process control theory and technology for complex industry process

     Professor at Northeastern University. His research interest covers nonlinear systems stability, robust control, adaptive control, and distributed control

     Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, professor at Northeastern University, IEEE Fellow, IFAC Fellow, and academician of the International Eurasian Academy of Sciences. His research interest covers adaptive control, intelligent decoupling control, as well as theories, methods and technology of integrated automation of process industry

    Corresponding author: LI Jian  Research assistant at the State Key Laboratory of Synthetical Automation for Process Industries. His research interest covers technology for ntergrated automation system of industrial process. Corresponding author of this paper
  • 摘要: 工业换热过程是蒸汽与循环水在换热器中进行热交换,使供水温度达到工艺规定的目标范围内的复杂工业过程.由于存在蒸汽压力、回水流量波动以及换热器内管壁结垢的扰动,导致被控对象模型参数发生未知随机的大范围变化,使控制器积分作用失效,造成内环蒸汽流量和外环供水温度波动,相互影响,甚至谐振.针对上述问题,利用工业换热过程运行在工作点附近的特点,用确定性低阶线性模型和虚拟未建模动态来描述被控过程.将自适应信号法与双率控制技术相结合,提出了以蒸汽流量为内环输出、以供水温度为外环输出的双率自适应控制器,并给出了该控制器的稳定性和收敛性分析.本文将工业换热过程机理模型作为被控对象,进行了半实物仿真.结果表明,对于工业换热过程,在模型参数大范围变化时,本文提出的控制方法可以将供水温度控制在工艺要求的目标范围内.
    1)  本文责任编委 姜斌
  • 图  1  工业换热过程工艺流程图

    Fig.  1  Flow chart of industrial heat exchange process

    图  2  工业换热过程双率串级控制结构框图

    Fig.  2  Block diagram of dual-rate cascade control in industrial heat exchange process

    图  3  蒸汽流量虚拟未建模动态补偿控制结构框图

    Fig.  3  Block diagram of virtual unmodeled dynamics compensation control in vapor flow process

    图  4  供水温度虚拟未建模动态补偿控制结构框图

    Fig.  4  Block diagram of virtual unmodeled dynamics compensation control in supply-water temperature process

    图  5  基于西门子S7-300的半实物仿真平台

    Fig.  5  Semi-physical simulation platform based on Siemens S7-300

    图  6  被控对象计算机监控界面

    Fig.  6  Monitoring interface of virtual plant

    图  7  蒸汽压力$P_1$、回水流量$F_3$、换热效率$\eta$、污垢修正系数$\beta$的变化曲线

    Fig.  7  Curve of Vapor pressure $P_1$, return-water flow $F_3$, efficiency of heat exchange $\eta$ and fouling correction factor $\beta$

    图  8  本文控制方法的供水温度及控制律$u$

    Fig.  8  Supply-water temperature and control law $u$ under the control method in this paper

    图  9  常规自校正串级控制方法的供水温度及控制律$u$

    Fig.  9  Supply-water temperature and control law $u$ under traditional self-tuning cascade control

    图  10  文献[6]控制方法的供水温度及控制律$u$

    Fig.  10  Supply-water temperature and control law $u$ under the control method in [6]

    表  1  供水温度性能评价指标(℃)

    Table  1  Evaluating indicator of supply-water temperature (℃)

    超过区间最大值 超过区间绝对累积和 绝对误差累积和 误差均方差
    本文控制方法 0 0 96.3753 0.2174
    常规自校正PI串级 0.971 2.974 297.5423 1.9730
    文献[6]控制方法 0.732 2.012 22.1754 1.2980
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  • 收稿日期:  2016-09-02
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