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谢志强 张晓欢 辛宇 杨静

谢志强, 张晓欢, 辛宇, 杨静. 考虑后续工序的择时综合调度算法. 自动化学报, 2018, 44(2): 344-362. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c160562
引用本文: 谢志强, 张晓欢, 辛宇, 杨静. 考虑后续工序的择时综合调度算法. 自动化学报, 2018, 44(2): 344-362. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c160562
XIE Zhi-Qiang, ZHANG Xiao-Huan, XIN Yu, YANG Jing. Time-selective Integrated Scheduling Algorithm Considering Posterior Processes. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2018, 44(2): 344-362. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c160562
Citation: XIE Zhi-Qiang, ZHANG Xiao-Huan, XIN Yu, YANG Jing. Time-selective Integrated Scheduling Algorithm Considering Posterior Processes. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2018, 44(2): 344-362. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c160562


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c160562

国家自然科学基金 61370083

国家自然科学基金 61370086

高等学校博士学科点专项(博导类)科研基金 20122304110012

国家自然科学基金 61602133

黑龙江省博士后科研启动项目 LBH-Q13092

黑龙江省教育厅科技项目 12531105

国家自然科学基金 61672179

中国博士后资助项目 2016M591541

国家自然科学基金 61772160

黑龙江省博士后资助项目 LBH-Z15096


    张晓欢  哈尔滨理工大学博士研究生.主要研究方向为企业智能计算.E-mail:huanhuan291@126.com

    辛宇  哈尔滨理工大学计算机科学与技术学院讲师.2015年获哈尔滨工程大学计算机应用技术博士学位.主要研究方向为数据库与知识工程.E-mail:xinyu@hrbeu.edu.cn

    杨静  博士, 教授, CCF高级会员.主要研究方向为数据与知识工程, 数据挖掘, 隐私保护, 软件理论.E-mail:yangjing@hrbeu.edu.cn


    谢志强  博士, 教授, CCF高级会员.主要研究方向为企业智能计算与调度系统, 数据处理, 网络优化.本文通信作者.E-mail:xiezhiqiang@hrbust.edu.cn

Time-selective Integrated Scheduling Algorithm Considering Posterior Processes


National Natural Science Foundation of China 61370083

National Natural Science Foundation of China 61370086

Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education 20122304110012

National Natural Science Foundation of China 61602133

the Heilongjiang Scientific Research foundation for the Postdoctoral LBH-Q13092

the Science and Technology Project of Heilongjiang Provincial Department of Education 12531105

National Natural Science Foundation of China 61672179

the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation 2016M591541

National Natural Science Foundation of China 61772160

the Heilongjiang Scientific Research Program for the Postdoctoral LBH-Z15096

More Information
    Author Bio:

     Ph. D. candidate at Harbin University of Science and Technology. Her main research interest is enterprise intelligence computing

     Lecturer at the College of Computer Science and Technology, Harbin University of Science and Technology. He received his Ph. D. degree from Harbin Engineering University in 2015. His research interest covers database and knowledge engineering

     Ph. D., professor, and senior member of China Computer Federation. Her research interest covers data and knowledge engineering, data mining, privacy protection, and computer software and theory

    Corresponding author: XIE Zhi-Qiang  Ph. D., professor, and senior member of China Computer Federation. His research interest covers intelligent computing and scheduling system, data processing and network optimization. Corresponding author of this paper
  • 摘要: 针对目前综合调度算法不能兼顾产品工艺树中并行工序的并行性和串行工序之间紧密度,影响调度结果的问题,提出考虑后续工序的择时综合调度算法.该算法提出工序序列排序策略,从工艺树的整体结构出发,将其划分成若干内部工序只具有串行关系的工序序列,并按路径长度从长到短的顺序确定其调度次序;提出择时调度策略和考虑后续工序策略,根据工艺树自身特点,从来自不同工序序列的并行工序的不同组合方案中,选择最接近调度目标的方案作为工序调度方案,若该工序调度方案不唯一,则在其中选择该工序加工开始时间最早的调度方案.该算法既保证了工序的并行处理,又提高了串行工序的紧密度,优化了综合调度的结果.最后通过实例说明本文算法对解决综合调试问题具有普遍意义.
    1)  本文责任编委 王红卫
  • 图  1  产品加工工艺树示例

    Fig.  1  The sample of processing tree of product

    图  2  调度思想示意图 1

    Fig.  2  Diagram 1 of the scheduling idea

    图  3  调度思想示意图 2

    Fig.  3  Diagram 2 of the scheduling idea

    图  4  产品$P$生产计划生成示意图

    Fig.  4  The production plan generates schematic of product $P$

    图  5  工序$i$择时调度示意图

    Fig.  5  The timing scheduling schematic of process $i$

    图  6  工序序列排序策略序列划分示意图

    Fig.  6  The schematic of sequence divided by operation sequence sorting strategy

    图  7  时间点$T_{1}$所涉及已调度工序

    Fig.  7  The scheduled process associated with the $T_{1}$

    图  8  处理工序$i$试调度后工序发生冲突示意图

    Fig.  8  The diagram of process conflict when process $i$ tried to scheduled

    图  9  产品工艺树

    Fig.  9  The processing tree of product

    图  10  仅使用择时策略在不同时间点调度工序$B_{1}$方案比较

    Fig.  10  Scheme comparison of Scheduling $B_{1}$ in different time when only use timing strategy

    图  11  采用考虑后续工序策略在不同时间点调度工序$B_{1}$方案比较

    Fig.  11  The comparison of scheme of scheduling $B_{1}$ in different time

    图  12  产品$A$的加工工艺树

    Fig.  12  The processing tree of product $A$

    图  13  使用文献[10]算法所得甘特图

    Fig.  13  Gantt chart using the algorithm of [10]

    图  14  使用文献[12]算法所得甘特图

    Fig.  14  Gantt chart using the algorithm of [12]

    图  15  使用本文算法所得甘特图

    Fig.  15  Gantt chart using the algorithm proposed

    表  1  综合调度问题参数表

    Table  1  Parameter list of integrated scheduling problem

    参数 含义
    $M_{i}$ 工序$i$的加工设备
    $T_{Si}$ 工序$i$的加工开始时间
    $T_{i}$ 工序$i$的加工用时
    $T_{Ei}$ 工序$i$的加工结束时间
    $T_{Mki}$ 调度工序$i$后第$k$台设备上当前加工完成时间, $1\leq k\leq m$
    $T_{Mi}$ 调度工序$i$后当前最晚加工完成的已调度工序加工完成时间
    $T_{Tij}$ 工序$i$的第$j$个"准调度时间点", $j\geq 1$
    $T_{Ti}$ 工序$i$的"准调度时间点"集合
    $F_{ij}$ 工序$i$在工艺树中的第$j$个紧前工序, $j\geq 1$
    $N_{if}$ 工序$i$在工艺树中的第$f$个紧后工序, $f\geq 1$
    $F_{Mi}$ 工序$i$在其加工设备上的紧前工序
    $N_{Mig}$ 工序$i$在其加工设备上的第$g$个后工序
    $N_{Qik}$ 工序$i$在其工序序列上的第$k$个后续工序
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    表  2  本文算法调度产品$A$过程

    Table  2  Scheduling the product $A$ by the algorithm proposed

    工序号 加工设备 准调度时间点 试调度方案加工总时间 后续工序静态调度时间 确定调度时间点 当前方案中每个工序调度时间点
    $A_{1}$ $M_3$ - - - 0 $A_{1}$: 0;
    $A_{2}$ $M_4$ - - - 2 $A_{1}$: 0, $A_{2}$: 2;
    $A_{10}$ $M_3$ - - - 4 $A_{1}$: 0, $A_{2}$: 2, $A_{10}$: 4;
    $A_{11}$ $M_2$ - - - 6 $A_{1}$: 0, $A_{2}$: 2, $A_{10}$: 4, $A_{11}$: 6;
    $A_{18}$ $M_1$ - - - 7 $A_{1}$: 0, $A_{2}$: 2, $A_{10}$: 4, $A_{11}$: 6,
    $A_{15}$ $M_3$ - - - 8 $A_{1}$: 0, $A_{2}$: 2, $A_{10}$: 4, $A_{11}$: 6,
    $A_{18}$:7, $A_{15}$: 8;
    $A_{21}$ $M_2$ - - - 11 $A_{1}$: 0, $A_{2}$: 2, $A_{10}$: 4, $A_{11}$: 6,
    $A_{18}$:7, $A_{15}$: 8, $A_{21}$: 11;
    $A_{26}$ $M_3$ - - - 14 $A_{1}$: 0, $A_{2}$: 2, $A_{10}$: 4, $A_{11}$: 6,
    $A_{18}$:7, $A_{15}$: 8, $A_{21}$: 11, $A_{26}$: 14;
    $A_{25}$ $M_2$ - - - 16 $A_{1}$: 0, $A_{2}$: 2, $A_{10}$: 4, $A_{11}$: 6,
    $A_{18}$:7, $A_{15}$: 8, $A_{21}$: 11, $A_{26}$: 14,
    $A_{25}$: 16;
    $A_{28}$ $M_1$ - - - 17 $A_{1}$: 0, $A_{2}$: 2, $A_{10}$: 4, $A_{11}$: 6,
    $A_{18}$:7, $A_{15}$: 8, $A_{21}$: 11, $A_{26}$: 14,
    $A_{25}$: 16, $A_{28}$: 17;
    $A_{3}$ $M_3$ 2|6|11|16 19|19|18|19 18|22|27|32 2 $A_{1}$: 0, $A_{2}$: 2, $A_{10}$: 5, $A_{11}$:7,
    $A_{18}$: 8, $A_{15}$: 9, $A_{21}$: 12, $A_{26}$: 15,
    $A_{25}$: 17, $A_{28}$: 18, $A_{3}$: 2;
    $A_{9}$ $M_4$ 5|19 19|22 19|32 5 $A_{1}$: 0, $A_{2}$: 2, $A_{10}$: 5, $A_{11}$:7,
    $A_{18}$: 8, $A_{15}$: 9, $A_{21}$: 12, $A_{26}$: 15,
    $A_{25}$: 17, $A_{28}$: 18, $A_{3}$: 2, $A_{9}$: 5;
    $A_{13}$ $M_3$ 8|12|17 20|19|19 18|22|27 8 $A_{1}$: 0, $A_{2}$: 2, $A_{10}$: 5, $A_{11}$:7,
    $A_{18}$: 8, $A_{15}$: 10, $A_{21}$: 13, $A_{26}$: 16,
    $A_{25}$: 18, $A_{28}$: 19, $A_{3}$: 2, $A_{9}$: 5,
    $A_{13}$: 8;
    $A_{16}$ $M_2$ 10|16|19 20|21|22 18|24|27 10 $A_{1}$: 0, $A_{2}$: 2, $A_{10}$: 5, $A_{11}$:7,
    $A_{18}$: 8, $A_{15}$: 10, $A_{21}$: 13, $A_{26}$: 16,
    $A_{25}$: 18, $A_{28}$: 19, $A_{3}$: 2, $A_{9}$: 5,
    $A_{13}$: 8, $A_{16}$: 10;
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    表  3  本文算法调度产品$A$过程(续表 2)

    Table  3  Scheduling the product $A$ by the algorithm proposed (continued Table 2)

    工序号 加工设备 准调度时间点 试调度方案加工总时间 后续工序静态调度时间 确定调度时间点 当前方案中每个工序调度时间点
    $A_{23}$ $M_4$ 13|20 20|22 20|23 13 $A_{1}$: 0, $A_{2}$: 2, $A_{10}$: 5, $A_{11}$: 7,
    $A_{18}$: 8, $A_{15}$: 10, $A_{21}$: 13, $A_{26}$: 16,
    $A_{25}$: 18, $A_{28}$: 19, $A_{3}$: 2, $A_{9}$: 5,
    $A_{13}$: 8, $A_{16}$: 10, $A_{23}$: 13;
    $A_{29}$ $M_1$ 15 20 18 15 $A_{1}$: 0, $A_{2}$: 2, $A_{10}$: 5, $A_{11}$: 7,
    $A_{18}$: 8, $A_{15}$: 10, $A_{21}$: 13, $A_{26}$: 16,
    $A_{25}$: 18, $A_{28}$: 19, $A_{3}$: 2, $A_{9}$: 5,
    $A_{13}$: 8, $A_{16}$: 10, $A_{23}$: 13, $A_{29}$: 15;
    $A_{5}$ $M_4$ 4|8|
    4 $A_{1}$: 0, $A_{2}$: 2, $A_{10}$: 5, $A_{11}$:7,
    $A_{18}$: 8, $A_{15}$: 10, $A_{21}$: 13, $A_{26}$: 16,
    $A_{25}$: 18, $A_{28}$: 19, $A_{3}$: 2, $A_{9}$: 5,
    $A_{13}$: 8, $A_{16}$: 10, $A_{23}$: 13, $A_{29}$: 15,
    $A_{5}$: 4;
    $A_{7}$ $M_2$ 5|8|
    5 $A_{1}$: 0, $A_{2}$: 2, $A_{10}$: 5, $A_{11}$: 8,
    $A_{18}$: 9, $A_{15}$: 10, $A_{21}$: 13, $A_{26}$: 16,
    $A_{25}$: 18, $A_{28}$: 19, $A_{3}$: 2, $A_{9}$: 5,
    $A_{13}$: 8, $A_{16}$: 10, $A_{23}$: 13, $A_{29}$: 15,
    $A_{5}$: 4, $A_{7}$: 5;
    $A_{17}$ $M_1$ 8|10|18 20|20|20 16|18|26 8 $A_{1}$: 0, $A_{2}$: 2, $A_{10}$: 5, $A_{11}$: 8,
    $A_{18}$: 9, $A_{15}$: 10, $A_{21}$: 13, $A_{26}$: 16,
    $A_{25}$: 18, $A_{28}$: 19, $A_{3}$: 2, $A_{9}$: 5,
    $A_{13}$: 8, $A_{16}$: 10, $A_{23}$: 13, $A_{29}$: 15,
    $A_{5}$: 4, $A_{7}$: 5, $A_{17}$: 8;
    $A_{19}$ $M_4$ 9|15|20 20|20|22 16|22|27 9 $A_{1}$: 0, $A_{2}$: 2, $A_{10}$: 5, $A_{11}$: 8,
    $A_{18}$: 9, $A_{15}$: 10, $A_{21}$: 13, $A_{26}$: 16,
    $A_{25}$: 18, $A_{28}$: 19, $A_{3}$: 2, $A_{9}$: 5,
    $A_{13}$: 8, $A_{16}$: 10, $A_{23}$: 13, $A_{29}$: 15,
    $A_{5}$: 4, $A_{7}$: 5, $A_{17}$: 8, $A_{19}$: 9;
    $A_{22}$ $M_1$ 11|18 20|21 16|23 11 $A_{1}$: 0, $A_{2}$: 2, $A_{10}$: 5, $A_{11}$: 8,
    $A_{18}$: 9, $A_{15}$: 10, $A_{21}$: 13, $A_{26}$: 16,
    $A_{25}$: 18, $A_{28}$: 19, $A_{3}$: 2, $A_{9}$: 5,
    $A_{13}$: 8, $A_{16}$: 10, $A_{23}$: 13, $A_{29}$: 15,
    $A_{5}$: 4, $A_{7}$: 5, $A_{17}$: 8, $A_{19}$: 9,
    $A_{22}$: 11;
    $A_{20}$ $M_4$ 14|15|20 21|20|22 16|17|22 15 $A_{1}$: 0, $A_{2}$: 2, $A_{10}$: 5, $A_{11}$: 8,
    $A_{18}$: 9, $A_{15}$: 10, $A_{21}$: 13, $A_{26}$: 16,
    $A_{25}$: 18, $A_{28}$: 19, $A_{3}$: 2, $A_{9}$: 5,
    $A_{13}$: 8, $A_{16}$: 10, $A_{23}$: 13, $A_{29}$: 15,
    $A_{5}$: 4, $A_{7}$: 5, $A_{17}$: 8, $A_{19}$: 9,
    $A_{22}$: 11, $A_{20}$: 15;
    $A_{4}$ $M_2$ 2|8|9|
    2 $A_{1}$: 0, $A_{2}$: 2, $A_{10}$: 5, $A_{11}$: 8,
    $A_{18}$: 9, $A_{15}$: 10, $A_{21}$: 13, $A_{26}$: 16,
    $A_{25}$: 18, $A_{28}$: 19, $A_{3}$: 2, $A_{9}$: 5,
    $A_{13}$: 8, $A_{16}$: 10, $A_{23}$: 13, $A_{29}$: 15,
    $A_{5}$: 4, $A_{7}$: 5, $A_{17}$: 8, $A_{19}$: 9,
    $A_{22}$: 11, $A_{20}$: 15, $A_{4}$: 2;
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    表  4  本文算法调度产品$A$过程(续表 3)

    Table  4  Scheduling the product $A$ by the algorithm proposed (continued Table 3)

    工序号 加工设备 准调度时间点 试调度方案加工总时间 后续工序静态调度时间 确定调度时间点 当前方案中每个工序调度时间点
    $A_{8}$ $M_1$ 5|9|10|
    5 $A_{1}$: 0, $A_{2}$: 2, $A_{10}$: 5, $A_{11}$: 8,
    $A_{18}$: 9, $A_{15}$: 10, $A_{21}$: 13, $A_{26}$: 16,
    $A_{25}$: 18, $A_{28}$: 19, $A_{3}$: 2, $A_{9}$: 5,
    $A_{13}$: 8, $A_{16}$: 10, $A_{23}$: 13, $A_{29}$: 15,
    $A_{5}$: 4, $A_{7}$: 5, $A_{17}$: 8, $A_{19}$: 9,
    $A_{22}$: 11, $A_{20}$: 15, $A_{4}$: 2, $A_{8}$: 5;
    $A_{14}$ $M_4$ 7|8|11|
    8 $A_{1}$: 0, $A_{2}$: 2, $A_{10}$: 5, $A_{11}$: 8,
    $A_{18}$: 9, $A_{15}$: 10, $A_{21}$: 13, $A_{26}$: 16,
    $A_{25}$: 18, $A_{28}$: 19, $A_{3}$: 2, $A_{9}$: 5,
    $A_{13}$: 8, $A_{16}$: 10, $A_{23}$: 14, $A_{29}$: 17,
    $A_{5}$: 4, $A_{7}$: 5, $A_{17}$: 8, $A_{19}$: 12,
    $A_{22}$: 14, $A_{20}$: 17, $A_{4}$: 2, $A_{8}$: 5,
    $A_{14}$: 8;
    $A_{27}$ $M_2$ 12|13|
    16 $A_{1}$: 0, $A_{2}$: 2, $A_{10}$: 5, $A_{11}$: 8,
    $A_{18}$: 9, $A_{15}$: 10, $A_{21}$: 13, $A_{26}$: 16,
    $A_{25}$: 18, $A_{28}$: 19, $A_{3}$: 2, $A_{9}$: 5,
    $A_{13}$: 8, $A_{16}$: 10, $A_{23}$: 14, $A_{29}$: 17,
    $A_{5}$: 4, $A_{7}$: 5, $A_{17}$: 8, $A_{19}$: 12,
    $A_{22}$: 14, $A_{20}$: 17, $A_{4}$: 2, $A_{8}$: 5,
    $A_{14}$: 8, $A_{27}$: 16;
    $A_{12}$ $M_1$ 5|7|
    5 $A_{1}$: 0, $A_{2}$: 2, $A_{10}$: 5, $A_{11}$: 8,
    $A_{18}$: 9, $A_{15}$: 10, $A_{21}$: 13, $A_{26}$: 16,
    $A_{25}$: 18, $A_{28}$: 19, $A_{3}$: 2, $A_{9}$: 5,
    $A_{13}$: 8, $A_{16}$: 10, $A_{23}$: 14, $A_{29}$: 17,
    $A_{5}$: 4, $A_{7}$: 5, $A_{17}$: 8, $A_{19}$: 12,
    $A_{22}$: 14, $A_{20}$: 17, $A_{4}$: 2, $A_{8}$: 6,
    $A_{14}$: 8, $A_{27}$: 16, $A_{12}$: 5;
    $A_{31}$ $M_2$ 6|8|
    9 $A_{1}$: 0, $A_{2}$: 2, $A_{10}$: 5, $A_{11}$: 8,
    $A_{18}$: 9, $A_{15}$: 10, $A_{21}$: 13, $A_{26}$: 16,
    $A_{25}$: 18, $A_{28}$: 19, $A_{3}$: 2, $A_{9}$: 5,
    $A_{13}$: 8, $A_{16}$: 10, $A_{23}$: 14, $A_{29}$: 17,
    $A_{5}$: 4, $A_{7}$: 5, $A_{17}$: 8, $A_{19}$: 12,
    $A_{22}$: 14, $A_{20}$: 17, $A_{4}$: 2, $A_{8}$: 6,
    $A_{14}$: 8, $A_{27}$: 16, $A_{12}$: 5, $A_{31}$: 9;
    $A_{24}$ $M_1$ 10|17|
    10 $A_{1}$: 0, $A_{2}$: 2, $A_{10}$: 5, $A_{11}$: 8,
    $A_{18}$: 9, $A_{15}$: 10, $A_{21}$: 13, $A_{26}$: 16, $A_{25}$: 18,
    $A_{28}$: 19, $A_{3}$: 2, $A_{9}$: 5, $A_{13}$: 8,
    $A_{16}$: 10, $A_{23}$: 14, $A_{29}$: 17, $A_{5}$: 4,
    $A_{7}$: 5, $A_{17}$: 8, $A_{19}$: 12, $A_{22}$: 14,
    $A_{20}$: 17, $A_{4}$: 2, $A_{8}$: 6, $A_{14}$: 8, $A_{27}$: 16,
    $A_{12}$: 5, $A_{31}$: 9, $A_{24}$: 10;
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    表  5  本文算法调度产品$A$过程(续表 4)

    Table  5  Scheduling the product $A$ by the algorithm proposed (continued Table 4)

    工序号 加工设备 准调度时间点 试调度方案加工总时间 后续工序静态调度时间 确定调度时间点 当前方案中每个工序调度时间点
    $A_{30}$ $M_3$ 14|18 20|20 16|20 14 $A_{1}$: 0, $A_{2}$: 2, $A_{10}$: 5, $A_{11}$: 8,
    $A_{18}$: 9, $A_{15}$: 10, $A_{21}$: 13, $A_{26}$: 16,
    $A_{25}$: 18, $A_{28}$: 19, $A_{3}$: 2, $A_{9}$: 5,
    $A_{13}$: 8, $A_{16}$: 10, $A_{23}$: 14, $A_{29}$: 17,
    $A_{5}$: 4, $A_{7}$: 5, $A_{17}$: 8, $A_{19}$: 12,
    $A_{22}$: 14, $A_{20}$: 17, $A_{4}$: 2, $A_{8}$: 6,
    $A_{14}$: 8, $A_{27}$: 16, $A_{12}$: 5, $A_{31}$: 9,
    $A_{24}$: 10, $A_{30}$: 14;
    $A_{6}$ $M_3$ 5|7|
    5 $A_{1}$: 0, $A_{2}$: 2, $A_{10}$: 6, $A_{11}$: 8,
    $A_{18}$: 9, $A_{15}$: 10, $A_{21}$: 13, $A_{26}$: 16,
    $A_{25}$: 18, $A_{28}$: 19, $A_{3}$: 2, $A_{9}$: 5,
    $A_{13}$: 8, $A_{16}$: 10, $A_{23}$: 14, $A_{29}$: 17,
    $A_{5}$: 4, $A_{7}$: 5, $A_{17}$: 8, $A_{19}$: 12,
    $A_{22}$: 14, $A_{20}$: 17, $A_{4}$: 2, $A_{8}$: 6,
    $A_{14}$: 8, $A_{27}$: 16, $A_{12}$: 5, $A_{31}$: 9,
    $A_{24}$: 10, $A_{30}$: 14, $A_{6}$: 5;
    $A_{32}$ $M_3$ 13|16|18 20|21|20 14|17|19 13 $A_{1}$: 0, $A_{2}$: 2, $A_{10}$: 6, $A_{11}$: 8,
    $A_{18}$: 9, $A_{15}$: 10, $A_{21}$: 13, $A_{26}$: 16,
    $A_{25}$: 18, $A_{28}$: 19, $A_{3}$: 2, $A_{9}$: 5,
    $A_{13}$: 8, $A_{16}$: 10, $A_{23}$: 14, $A_{29}$: 17,
    $A_{5}$: 4, $A_{7}$: 5, $A_{17}$: 8, $A_{19}$: 12,
    $A_{22}$: 14, $A_{20}$: 17, $A_{4}$: 2, $A_{8}$: 6,
    $A_{14}$: 8, $A_{27}$: 16, $A_{12}$: 5, $A_{31}$: 9,
    $A_{24}$: 10, $A_{30}$: 14, $A_{6}$: 5,
    $A_{32}$: 13;
    $A_{33}$ $M_4$ 16|19|
    16 $A_{1}$: 0, $A_{2}$: 2, $A_{10}$: 6, $A_{11}$: 8,
    $A_{18}$: 9, $A_{15}$: 10, $A_{21}$: 13, $A_{26}$: 16,
    $A_{25}$: 18, $A_{28}$: 19, $A_{3}$: 2, $A_{9}$: 5,
    $A_{13}$: 8, $A_{16}$: 10, $A_{23}$: 14, $A_{29}$: 17,
    $A_{5}$: 4, $A_{7}$: 5, $A_{17}$: 8, $A_{19}$: 12,
    $A_{22}$: 14, $A_{20}$: 17, $A_{4}$: 2, $A_{8}$: 6,
    $A_{14}$: 8, $A_{27}$: 16, $A_{12}$: 5, $A_{31}$: 9,
    $A_{24}$: 10, $A_{30}$: 14, $A_{6}$: 5, $A_{32}$: 13,
    $A_{33}$: 16;
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