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Influence of Converter Bus Serious Harmonic Distortion on HVDC Transmission System

Guo Ziyu Lin Tao Jia Gengtao Wang Liyong

JIN Chao-Yong, GENG Guo-Hua, LI Ji-Jun-Nan, ZHOU Ming-Quan, ZHU Xin-Yi. A New Automatic Navigation Path Generation Approach to Virtual Angioscopy. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2015, 41(8): 1412-1418. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2015.c150014
Citation: Guo Ziyu, Lin Tao, Jia Gengtao, Wang Liyong. Influence of Converter Bus Serious Harmonic Distortion on HVDC Transmission System. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2017, 43(8): 1412-1417. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.e160020
金朝勇, 耿国华, 李姬俊男, 周明全, 朱新懿. 一种新的虚拟血管镜自动导航路径生成方法. 自动化学报, 2015, 41(8): 1412-1418. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2015.c150014
引用本文: 郭紫昱, 林涛, 贾耕涛, 王立永. 谐波影响下的高压直流输电系统运行特性分析. 自动化学报, 2017, 43(8): 1412-1417. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.e160020

Influence of Converter Bus Serious Harmonic Distortion on HVDC Transmission System


the National Natural Science Foundation of China 51177111

More Information
    Author Bio:

    Tao Lin  received the B.S.E.E., M.E., and Ph.D.degrees from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China, in 1991, 1994, and 1997, respectively.He joined Central China Power Group Co, Wuhan, China, as an R&D Engineer in 1997.From May 2000 to July 2005, he was with Nagasaki University, Japan, University of Bath, U.K., and University of Florida, USA.From 2007, he has been a full Professor at the School of Electrical Engineering, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China.His research interests include power quality, power system operation and control, power system relaying, distributed generation and micro-grid.E-mail:00008267@whu.edu.cn

    Gengtao Jia  graduated from Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), China, in 2012, he received the Ms.c.degree from University of Florida (UFL), US, in 2014.He is currently a stufi at State Grid Shanghai Information and Telecommunication Company.His research interests include communications in electrical power networks and flber communication networks.E-mail:gengtao jia@163.com

    Liyong Wang  received the Ms.c and Ph.D.degrees from Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU), China in 2003 and 2007.He is currently a stufi at State Grid Beijing Electric Power Company.His research interests include optimization of dispatching electricity market, power grid development plan and comprehensive plan.E-mail:13810007912@163.com

    Corresponding author: Ziyu Guo received the B.Eng degree of electrical engineering from Wuhan University in 2013.He has been work for Ph.D.at Wuhan University ever since.His research interests include HVDC system and its controller.Corresponding author of this paper.E-mail:15071113736@163.com


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.e160020

the National Natural Science Foundation of China 51177111

  • Recommended by Associate Editor Chengdong Li
    摘要: 随着多馈入直流工程的不断发展,换流站发生谐波扰动的概率大大增加.通过分析换流母线谐波对锁相环和换相过程的影响,研究了高压直流输电系统的控制器在谐波扰动下的运行特性.通过减少电流偏差控制器的输出量以减少定熄弧角控制器在谐波扰动中的稳态误差,提高了直流系统传输容量.最后提出了谐波扰动中系统运行点的计算方法.PSCAD软件的仿真结果证明了分析和计算方法的准确性.

  • Fig.  1  HVDC CIGRE-benchmark model.

    Fig.  2  Voltage wave when distortion occur.

    Fig.  3  PLL control block.

    Fig.  4  The output of $\theta$ by PLL.

    Fig.  5  Tracking frequency of PLL in SHD.

    Fig.  6  2-3 mode circuit in commutation process.

    Fig.  7  CEA control block.

    Fig.  8  Calculation flowchart of HVDC operating point in SHD.

    Fig.  9  The simulation result of extinction angles per cycle.

    Fig.  10  Min $r$ in one cycle.

    Fig.  11  Firing angle order in inverter.

    Fig.  12  Power of DC transmission.

    Fig.  13  Line-to-ground RMS voltage of PCC.

    Table  Ⅰ  Simulation and Calculation Result of $\gamma$ Per Cycle ( $^\circ$ )

    Com-valve Sim-result without harm Cal-result without harm Sim-result with harm Cal-result with harm
    3−1 15.12 15.07 19.58 18.36
    4−2 15.12 15.07 16.45 16.36
    5−3 15.12 15.07 9.98 10.69
    6−4 15.12 15.07 19.58 18.36
    1−5 15.12 15.07 16.45 16.36
    2−6 15.12 15.07 9.98 10.69
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    Table  Ⅱ  Simulation and Calculation Result of Operating Point in SHD

    M = 1 M = 0.2 Cal-results of m = 0.2
    Voltage (l-g) 125.1 127.4 127.2
    Active power (pu) 0.8959 0.9290 0.9298
    min γ (°) 16.38 15.25 15.09
    Firing order (°) 135.5−139 139−139.4 139.6
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  • 收稿日期:  2016-01-25
  • 录用日期:  2016-04-09
  • 刊出日期:  2017-08-20


