Second-order Sliding Mode Control of DFIG Based Variable Speed Wind Turbine for Maximum Power Point Tracking
摘要: 本文提出一种超螺旋二阶滑模控制方案同时实现双馈变速风力发电系统最大风能捕获和无功功率调节.通过设计两个二阶滑模控制器,实现控制目标,降低机械磨损,提高控制精度,通过调节发电机转子电压,跟踪风机最优转速和转子电流设定值,实现额定风速以下的最大风能捕获和无功功率调节.采用二次型李雅普诺夫函数确定控制参数范围、确保系统有限时间稳定性.1.5 MW风机系统仿真实验验证所提方案有效性.Abstract: This paper proposes a super-twisting second order sliding mode control scheme to maximize the wind energy capture of a doubly fed induction generator based variable speed wind turbine (VSWT) system, and minimize the reactive power simultaneously. Two second order sliding mode controllers are designed to achieve the control objectives, reduce mechanical stress and improve control accuracy. By regulating the generator rotor voltage, one controller makes the wind turbine rotor speed track the optimal speed, which can maximize power generation. The other maintains the rotor current at rated value to minimize the reactive power. A quadratic form Lyapunov function is adopted to determine the range of controller parameters and guarantee the finite time stability. Simulation results on a 1.5MW doubly fed induction generator (DFIG)-based variable speed wind turbine demonstrate the validity of the proposed control strategy.
Key words:
- Doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) /
- maximum power point tracking (MPPT) /
- second order sliding mode (SOSM) control /
- variable speed wind turbine (VSWT)
$ \omega _w $ wind turbine rotor speed; $ I_{rd} $ the $d$ -axis component of rotor current; $ I_{rq} $ the $q$ -axis component of rotor current; $ U_{rd} $ the $d$ -axis component of the rotor voltage; $ U_{rq} $ the $q$ -axis component of the rotor voltage; $ J $ the inertia of the combined rotating parts; $ K $ turbine total external damping; $ n_g $ gearbox ratio; $ \phi _s $ stator flux; $ L_m $ mutual inductance; $ L_s $ stator leakage inductance; $ L_r $ rotor leakage inductance; $ R_r $ rotor resistance; $ \omega _1 $ synchronous speed; $ n_p $ pole pair number. Table Ⅰ Characteristic of the Simulated Wind Turbine System
Wind turbine parameters Value Number of blades 3 Rotor radius 35 m Hub height 84.3 m Rated power 1.5 MW $ J$ $4.4532\times 10^5 {\rm kg\cdot m^2}$ $K$ $200 {\rm N\cdot m\cdot s/rad}$ $n_g$ $83.531$ $\lambda_{\rm opt} $ 8 $n_p$ $2$ $\rho$ $1.2 {\rm g/m^3}$ $U_s$ $690 {\rm V}$ $R_r$ $0.0089 {\rm \Omega}$ $\omega _1$ $1500 {\rm r/\min}$ $L_m $ $0.016 {\rm mH}$ $L_r$ $0.299 {\rm mH}$ $L_s$ $0.407 {\rm mH}$ $ \Delta K$ $40\sin (\pi / {300})t $ $ \Delta R_r$ $0.00178\sin (\pi / {300})t $ -
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