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孙鹏 郎宇博 樊舒 沈喆 彭思龙 刘磊

孙鹏, 郎宇博, 樊舒, 沈喆, 彭思龙, 刘磊. 图像拼接篡改的自动色温距离分类检验方法. 自动化学报, 2018, 44(7): 1321-1332. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.c170267
引用本文: 孙鹏, 郎宇博, 樊舒, 沈喆, 彭思龙, 刘磊. 图像拼接篡改的自动色温距离分类检验方法. 自动化学报, 2018, 44(7): 1321-1332. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.c170267
SUN Peng, LANG Yu-Bo, FAN Shu, SHEN Zhe, PENG Si-Long, LIU Lei. Detection of Image Splicing Manipulation by Automated Classification of Color Temperature Distance. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2018, 44(7): 1321-1332. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.c170267
Citation: SUN Peng, LANG Yu-Bo, FAN Shu, SHEN Zhe, PENG Si-Long, LIU Lei. Detection of Image Splicing Manipulation by Automated Classification of Color Temperature Distance. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2018, 44(7): 1321-1332. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.c170267


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.c170267

中央高校基本科研业务费项目 D2017021

国家自然科学基金 61307016

现场物证溯源技术国家工程实验室开放课题 2017NELKFKT09


    郎宇博  中国刑事警察学院声像资料检验技术系讲师.2012年获得东北大学硕士学位.主要研究方向为数字图像取证, 视频侦查技术.E-mail:langyubo@cipuc.edu.cn

    樊舒  中国刑事警察学院声像资料检验技术系讲师.2007年获得北京邮电大学硕士学位.主要研究方向为无线网络资源分配与管理.E-mail:fanshufs@sina.com

    沈喆  辽宁石油化工大学信息与控制工程学院自动化系讲师.2012年获东北大学博士学位.中科院沈阳自动化所博士后.主要研究方向为控制系统故障诊断, 监控视频异常事件检测.E-mail:angelzheshen@163.com

    彭思龙  中国科学院自动化研究所研究员.1998年获得中国科学院数学所博士学位.主要研究方向为小波分析及其在图像处理中的应用, 信号处理.E-mail:silong.peng@ia.ac.cn

    刘磊  中国刑事警察学院声像资料检验技术系研究生.主要研究方向为数字图像取证, 智能监控技术.E-mail:liulei2015110057@163.com


    孙鹏  中国刑事警察学院声像资料检验技术系副教授.2009年获得东北大学博士学位.中科院自动化研究所博士后.主要研究方向为数字图像取证, 智能监控技术.本文通信作者.E-mail:sunpeng_sx@cipuc.edu.cn

Detection of Image Splicing Manipulation by Automated Classification of Color Temperature Distance


Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities D2017021

National Natural Science Foundation of China 61307016

National Engineering Laboratory of Evidence Traceability Technology 2017NELKFKT09

More Information
    Author Bio:

     Lecturer in the Audio-Visual and Image Technology Department, Criminal Investigation Police University of China. He received his master degree from Northeastern University in 2012. His research interest covers digital image forensics and video investigation

     Lecturer in the Audio-Visual and Image Technology Department, Criminal Investigation Police University of China. He received his master degree from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications in 2007. His research interest covers resource allocation and management in wireless networks

     Lecturer in the Department of Automation, School of Information and Control Engineering, Liaoning Shihua University. She received her Ph.D. degree from Northeastern University in 2012. Postdoctor at Shenyang Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Her research interest covers fault detection of control system, and abnormal event detection of surveillance video

     Professor at the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He received his Ph. D. degree from the Institute of Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1998. His research interest covers wavelet analysis and its application in image processing, signal processing

     Master student in the Audio-Visual and Image Technology Department, Criminal Investigation Police University of China. His research interest covers digital image forensics and intelligent surveillance

    Corresponding author: SUN Peng  Associate professor in the Audio-Visual and Image Technology Department, Criminal Investigation Police University of China. He received his Ph. D. degree from Northeastern University in 2009. Postdoctor at the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research interest covers digital image forensics and intelligent surveillance. Corresponding author of this paper
  • 摘要: 拼接篡改是一类常见的图像伪造手段,现有取证方法难以实现图像中拼接篡改区域的自动检测与精确定位,导致拼接篡改伪造图像的取证长期依赖人工经验.基于图像中原始区域与拼接篡改区域所反映的光源色温的差异性,提出一种自动色温距离阈值分类的图像拼接篡改检测与定位方法.首先,变换待检验图像至YCbCr色彩空间,并按照Grid-based方式结构化分解为大小的子图像块;然后,利用自动白平衡(Automatic white balance,AWB)中的白点检测原理对每一个子图像块进行色温估计,计算子图像块与参考区域之间的色温距离;最后,采用最大类间方差法自适应地求取色温距离分类的最佳阈值,对子图像块进行分类标注,实现了图像拼接篡改区域的自动检测与精确定位.实验表明,该方法能够实现图像拼接篡改区域的自动检测与定位,具有较高的量化检测精度.
    1)  本文责任编委 桑农
  • 图  1  方法流程图

    Fig.  1  Framework of method

    图  2  参考区域选择策略

    Fig.  2  Strategy of reference area selection

    图  3  哥伦比亚数据库的检测效果(a-1) $\sim$ (a-8)为哥伦比亚数据库中的拼接篡改图像; (b-1) $\sim$ (b-8)为本文方法的检测结果

    Fig.  3  Detection on DVMM (a-1) $\sim$ (a-8) Splicing images in experiments; (b-1) $\sim$ (b-8) Detection results with proposed method

    图  4  拼接篡改伪造图像检测的主观视觉评价((a-2) $\sim$ (e-2)本文方法检测结果; (a-3) $\sim$ (e-3)拼接篡改图像MASK; (a-4) $\sim$ (e-4)文献[18]方法的检测结果; (a-5) $\sim$ (e-5)文献[18]光照方向检测2-D模型)

    Fig.  4  Visual evaluation of detection on splicing images ((a-2) $\sim$ (e-2) Detection results with proposed method; (a-3) $\sim$ (e-3) MASK of splicing images; (a-4) $\sim$ (e-4) Detection results with [18]; (a-5) $\sim$ (e-5) 2-D model of illumination direction in [18])

    图  5  不同类型拼接篡改伪造图像的识别准确率、召回率与综合评测因子随$\varphi$值的变化曲线

    Fig.  5  Curves of $R$, $P$ and $F_1$ on different splicing images with variation of $\varphi$

    表  1  方法流程图中出现的变量及其描述

    Table  1  Description of variables in framework

    变量名 含义描述
    $f(x, y)_{\rm RGB} $ RGB色彩空间的待检验图像
    $f(x, y)_{\rm YCbCr}$ YCbCr色彩空间的待检验图像
    ${\rm Block}_{ij}(x, y)$ YCbCr色彩空间的子图像块
    $C_{ij} $ 每一个子图像块所对应的色温估计值
    ${\rm Area}_R $ 参考区域, 由子图像块构成的假设无篡改区域
    ${\rm Area}_S $ 嫌疑区域, 可能包含篡改区域的子图像块集合
    $D_{ij} $ 嫌疑区域与参考区域之间的色温距离
    $T$ 自动估计的色温距离阈值
    $R_{\rm MAP} $ 比较色温距离与色温距离阈值后确定的篡改区域
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    表  2  实验参数设置

    Table  2  Configuration of experiments

    $m$ $w_{ij}$ $\varphi$ $Th$
    (a-1) 5 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.15,0.05 43 0.34118
    (b-1) 58 0.35686
    (c-1) 44 0.32157
    (d-1) 81 0.21569
    (e-1) 54 0.23725
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    表  3  $\varphi$遍历寻优后的量化实验结果

    Table  3  Detection results with ergodic optimization of $\varphi$

    参数 自动+
    日光 阴天 阴影 荧光灯 钨丝灯
    $F_1$ 0.566 6 0.484 4 0.620 5 0.631 9 0.823 7
    $R$ 0.886 5 0.967 0 0.937 7 0.478 8 0.728 0
    $P$ 0.416 4 0.323 2 0.463 7 0.929 2 0.948 4
    $\varphi_{\rm best}$ 43 58 44 81 54
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    表  4  在D3上的综合评价测试结果($\%$)

    Table  4  Image level measurement on D3 ($\%$)

    执行方式 检验单幅图像? 量化定位篡改区域? 识别参数 自动+
    日光 阴天 阴影 荧光灯 钨丝灯
    本文方法 Auto $r$ 100 100 100 100 100
    $p$ 76 69 69 85 92
    文献[18] Semi-auto 不能 $r$ 72
    $p$ 68
    文献[23] Semi-auto 不能 不能 $r$ $\sharp$
    $p$ $\sharp$
    文献[22] Semi-auto 不能 $r$ 92
    $p$ 73
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