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石杰 李银伢 戚国庆 盛安冬

石杰, 李银伢, 戚国庆, 盛安冬. 不完全量测下基于事件触发机制的面目标跟踪系统CRLB. 自动化学报, 2018, 44(9): 1648-1661. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.c160796
引用本文: 石杰, 李银伢, 戚国庆, 盛安冬. 不完全量测下基于事件触发机制的面目标跟踪系统CRLB. 自动化学报, 2018, 44(9): 1648-1661. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.c160796
SHI Jie, LI Yin-Ya, QI Guo-Qing, SHENG An-Dong. CRLB for the Event Triggered Area Target Tracking System With Intermittent Observations. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2018, 44(9): 1648-1661. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.c160796
Citation: SHI Jie, LI Yin-Ya, QI Guo-Qing, SHENG An-Dong. CRLB for the Event Triggered Area Target Tracking System With Intermittent Observations. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2018, 44(9): 1648-1661. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.c160796


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.c160796

国家自然科学基金 61773210

国家自然科学基金 61273076

国家自然科学基金 61871221


    石杰 南京南瑞集团有限公司工程师.2017年获得南京理工大学自动化学院博士学位.主要研究方向为信息融合以及事件触发估计算法.E-mail:sjwyf6288@163.com

    戚国庆 南京理工大学自动化学院副教授.主要研究方向为多传感器信息融合.E-mail:qiguoqing@mail.njust.edu.cn

    盛安冬 南京理工大学自动化学院教授.主要研究方向为多源信息融合, 非线性估计理论及应用.E-mail:shengandong@njust.edu.cn


    李银伢 南京理工大学自动化学院副教授.主要研究方向为非线性估计理论及应用.本文通信作者. E-mail:liyinya@mail.njust.edu.cn

CRLB for the Event Triggered Area Target Tracking System With Intermittent Observations


National Natural Science Foundation of China 61773210

National Natural Science Foundation of China 61273076

National Natural Science Foundation of China 61871221

More Information
    Author Bio:

    Engineer at NARI Group Corporation of Nanjing. He received his Ph. D. degree from the School of Automation, Nanjing University of Science and Technology in 2017. His research interest covers information fusion and event-triggered estimation algorithm

    Associate professor at the School of Automation, Nanjing University of Science and Technology. His main research interest is multisensor information fusion

    Professor at the School of Automation, Nanjing University of Science and Technology. His research interest covers multi-source information fusion and the nonlinear estimation theory and its applications

    Corresponding author: LI Yin-Ya Associate professor at the School of Automation, Nanjing University of Science and Technology. His research interest covers nonlinear estimation theory and applications. Corresponding author of this paper
  • 摘要: 面目标跟踪系统状态估计问题中,附加的强非线性面目标扩展测量会增加系统的通信量和估计中心的计算量.为此,基于工程应用,提出一种不完全量测下的事件触发机制来控制面目标测量传输.从理论上推导了事件触发机制下面目标跟踪系统的理想(枚举)克拉美罗下界(Cramer-Rao lower bound,CRLB)和统计意义下的CRLB,该统计意义CRLB为理想CRLB的下界,计算复杂度远小于理想CRLB,便于工程应用.典型测试航路下的仿真结果表明:不完全量测下,面目标跟踪系统CRLB明显小于传统质点目标跟踪系统CRLB;同时,利用所提事件触发机制,可在大幅减少面目标跟踪系统通信量的同时保证系统的最优估计性能.
    1)  本文责任编委 潘泉
  • 图  1  面目标测量模型

    Fig.  1  Area target measurement model

    图  2  CRLB与面目标扩展测量通道探测概率$\lambda_{{\rm{e}}}$的关系

    Fig.  2  The relationship between the CRLB and the detection probability $\lambda_{{\rm{e}}}$ of extended area target measurements

    图  3  双探测通道触发频度$\alpha_i$ $(i={\rm p}, {\rm e})$与触发阈值$\delta$的关系

    Fig.  3  The relationship between the triggered frequency $\alpha_i$ $(i={\rm p}, {\rm e})$ and the triggered threshold $\delta$

    图  4  不同触发频度下面目标跟踪系统CRLB

    Fig.  4  The CRLB of the area target tracking system with different triggered frequencies

    图  5  CRLB与面目标扩展测量通道探测概率$\lambda_{{\rm{e}}}$的关系

    Fig.  5  The relationship between the CRLB and the detection probability $\lambda_{{\rm{e}}}$ of extended area target measurements

    图  6  双探测通道触发频度$\alpha_i$ $(i={\rm p}, {\rm e})$与触发阈值$\delta$的关系

    Fig.  6  The relationship between the triggered frequency $\alpha_i$ $(i={\rm p}, {\rm e})$ and the triggered threshold $\delta$

    图  7  不同触发频度下面目标跟踪系统CRLB

    Fig.  7  The CRLB of the area target tracking system with different triggered frequencies

    图  8  CRLB与面目标扩展测量通道探测概率$\lambda_{{\rm{e}}}$的关系

    Fig.  8  The relationship between the CRLB and the detection probability $\lambda_{{\rm{e}}}$ of extended area target measurements

    图  9  双探测通道触发频度$\alpha_i$ $(i={\rm p}, {\rm e})$与触发阈值$\delta$的关系

    Fig.  9  The relationship between the triggered frequency $\alpha_i$ $(i={\rm p}, {\rm e})$ and the triggered threshold $\delta$

    图  10  不同触发频度下面目标跟踪系统CRLB

    Fig.  10  The CRLB of the area target tracking system with different triggered frequencies

    图  11  CRLB与面目标扩展测量通道探测概率$\lambda_{{\rm{e}}}$的关系

    Fig.  11  The relationship between the CRLB and the detection probability $\lambda_{{\rm{e}}}$ of extended area target measurements

    图  12  双探测通道触发频度$\alpha_i(i={\rm p}, {\rm e})$与触发阈值$\delta$的关系

    Fig.  12  The relationship between the triggered frequency $\alpha_i(i={\rm p}, {\rm e})$ and the triggered threshold $\delta$

    图  13  不同触发频度下面目标跟踪系统CRLB

    Fig.  13  The CRLB of the area target tracking system with different triggered frequencies

    表  1  面目标跟踪系统测量信息核心数据发送协议

    Table  1  The core data transmission protocol of the area target tracking system

    数据 距离 方位角 顺向距离 横向距离
    字长 2字节 2字节 2字节 2字节
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    表  2  不同触发频度下基于事件触发机制的面目标跟踪系统平均CRLB

    Table  2  Comparison of average CRLBs of the event triggered area target tracking system with different triggered probabilities

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    表  3  不同探测概率下基于事件触发机制的面目标跟踪系统平均CRLB

    Table  3  Comparison of average CRLBs of the event triggered area target tracking system with different detection probabilities

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