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陆志芳 钟宝江

陆志芳, 钟宝江. 基于预测梯度的图像插值算法. 自动化学报, 2018, 44(6): 1072-1085. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.c160793
引用本文: 陆志芳, 钟宝江. 基于预测梯度的图像插值算法. 自动化学报, 2018, 44(6): 1072-1085. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.c160793
LU Zhi-Fang, ZHONG Bao-Jiang. Image Interpolation With Predicted Gradients. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2018, 44(6): 1072-1085. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.c160793
Citation: LU Zhi-Fang, ZHONG Bao-Jiang. Image Interpolation With Predicted Gradients. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2018, 44(6): 1072-1085. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.c160793


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.c160793

国家自然科学基金 61572341


    陆志芳  苏州大学计算机科学与技术学院硕士研究生.2014年获得苏州大学计算机科学与技术学院学士学位.主要研究方向为图像处理, 计算机视觉.E-mail:20144227015@stu.suda.edu.cn


    钟宝江   苏州大学计算机科学与技术学院教授.主要研究方向为计算机视觉, 图像分析与理解.本文通信作者.E-mail:bjzhong@suda.edu.cn

Image Interpolation With Predicted Gradients


National Natural Science Foundation of China 61572341

More Information
    Author Bio:

     Master student at the College of Computer Science and Technology, Soochow University. She received her bachelor degree from Soochow University in 2014. Her research interest covers image processing and computer vision

    Corresponding author: ZHONG Bao-Jiang  Professor at the College of Computer Science and Technology, Soochow University. His research interest covers computer vision, image analysis and understanding. Corresponding author of this paper
  • 摘要: 提出一种新的非线性图像插值算法,称为基于预测梯度的图像插值(Image interpolation with predicted gradients,PGI).首先沿用现有的边缘对比度引导的图像插值(Contrast-guided image interpolation,CGI)算法思想对低分辨率图像中的边缘进行扩散处理,然后预测高分辨率图像中未知像素的性质,最后对边缘像素采用一维有方向的插值,对非边缘像素采用二维无方向的插值.与通常的非线性图像插值算法相比,新算法对图像边缘信息的理解更为完善.与CGI算法相比,由于梯度预测策略的使用,PGI算法能够更有效地确定未知像素的相关性质(是否为边缘像素,以及是边缘像素时其边缘方向).实验结果表明,PGI算法无论在视觉效果还是客观性测评指标方面均优于现有的图像插值算法.此外,在对彩色图像进行插值时,本文将通常的RGB颜色空间转化为Lab颜色空间,不仅减少了伪彩色的生成,而且降低了算法的时间复杂度.
    1)  本文责任编委 桑农
  • 图  1  对图像边缘的两种不同阐述方式

    Fig.  1  Two types of interpretations of image edges

    图  2  插值示意图, 其中实心点表示已知的像素(从LR图像中直接复制得到), 空心点表示未知的像素

    Fig.  2  Illustration of the interpolation process (the dots denote the known pixels and the circles denote the missing pixels)

    图  3  数字图像的边缘方向示意图

    Fig.  3  Illustration of edge directions in digital image

    图  4  梯度预测示意图

    Fig.  4  Illustration of gradients prediction

    图  5  预测结果的细节比较, 箭头方向表示像素梯度方向, 箭头长短表示像素梯度大小

    Fig.  5  The detail comparison of prediction results, where the direction and the length of arrow represent the direction and the size of gradient, respectively

    图  6  预测结果的整体比较

    Fig.  6  The unified comparison of prediction results

    图  7  预测梯度的可视化结果比较

    Fig.  7  A visual comparison of predicted gradients

    图  8  PGI算法插值流程图

    Fig.  8  The flowchart of PGI

    图  9  基于LR图像像素性质推测HR图像上各像素性质的思想概要图

    Fig.  9  The characteristics prediction of pixels on HR based on the characteristics of pixels on LR

    图  10  不同颜色空间的颜色差异比较

    Fig.  10  The comparison of contrast in different color spaces

    图  11  不同颜色空间上彩色图像插值示意图

    Fig.  11  Demonstration of color image interpolation in different color spaces

    图  12  实验中用到的12幅测试图像

    Fig.  12  Twelve test images used for simulation experiments

    图  13  各算法对Wheel图像的插值结果比较

    Fig.  13  Comparison of interpolation results on Wheel by different interpolation methods

    图  14  本文算法和CGI法对测试图像的4倍插值结果比较

    Fig.  14  The comparison of test images via CGI and ours with an interpolation factor $4\times 4$

    图  15  各算法插值得到的图像边缘比较

    Fig.  15  Comparison of interpolation results on edges by different interpolation methods

    图  16  本文算法和CGI对彩色图像的插值结果比较

    Fig.  16  The comparison of color images via CGI and ours

    表  1  不同插值算法基于PSNR的比较(dB)

    Table  1  A comparison of different interpolation methods with respect to the PSNR (dB)

    测试图像 Bicubic NEDI LMMSE SAI SME NARM CGI CED 本文算法
    (1981) (2001) (2006) (2008) (2010) (2013) (2013) (2016)
    Airplane 29.28 29.76 29.86 30.38 30.29 30.41 30.03 29.97 30.05
    Bike 25.96 25.99 26.06 26.99 26.79 26.97 26.71 26.58 26.71
    Boats 29.64 29.57 29.66 30.00 30.06 30.26 29.81 29.78 29.79
    Bridge 25.85 25.72 25.68 25.94 25.88 25.86 25.70 25.76 25.66
    Butterfly 26.17 26.88 26.44 27.40 27.39 27.32 27.68 27.46 27.68
    Cameraman 25.26 25.38 25.55 25.77 26.06 25.78 25.75 25.82 25.82
    Fence 23.08 21.68 23.09 22.28 23.10 23.21 23.15 23.16 23.14
    House 32.06 31.84 32.47 32.73 33.08 33.23 32.70 32.57 32.76
    Lena 30.19 30.57 30.50 31.34 30.94 31.38 31.07 31.03 31.11
    Parthenon 25.65 25.38 25.74 25.65 25.71 25.81 25.66 25.69 25.65
    Station 24.65 25.04 25.07 25.94 26.03 26.16 26.28 26.23 26.39
    Wheel 19.59 21.06 19.64 21.53 21.94 20.76 22.38 22.28 22.44
    峰值信噪比增益 0 0.12 0.20 0.71 0.82 0.81 0.79 0.74 0.82
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    表  2  不同插值算法基于SSIM的比较(dB)

    Table  2  A comparison of different interpolation methods with respect to the SSIM (dB)

    测试图像 Bicubic NEDI LMMSE SAI SME NARM CGI CED 本文算法
    (1981) (2001) (2006) (2008) (2010) (2013) (2013) (2016)
    Airplane 0.9261 0.9311 0.9330 0.9374 0.9357 0.9410 0.9348 0.9336 0.9355
    Bike 0.8610 0.8494 0.8593 0.8782 0.8741 0.8807 0.8739 0.8702 0.8740
    Boats 0.8764 0.8735 0.8752 0.8825 0.8842 0.8888 0.8794 0.8788 0.8796
    Bridge 0.7982 0.7823 0.7875 0.7992 0.7989 0.8015 0.7932 0.7941 0.7923
    Butterfly 0.9508 0.9562 0.9531 0.9621 0.9599 0.9634 0.9638 0.9626 0.9641
    Cameraman 0.8649 0.8647 0.8692 0.8732 0.8730 0.8779 0.8717 0.8711 0.8724
    Fence 0.7604 0.7411 0.7573 0.7518 0.7654 0.7734 0.7647 0.7647 0.7649
    House 0.8747 0.8722 0.8755 0.8757 0.8793 0.8819 0.8781 0.8773 0.8781
    Lena 0.9114 0.9129 0.9118 0.9239 0.9191 0.9243 0.9208 0.9203 0.9217
    Parthenon 0.7894 0.7719 0.7886 0.7863 0.7847 0.7919 0.7878 0.7877 0.7873
    Station 0.8928 0.9023 0.9028 0.9160 0.9187 0.9216 0.9219 0.9208 0.9235
    Wheel 0.7723 0.8227 0.7686 0.8415 0.8406 0.8308 0.8619 0.8584 0.8639
    平均值 0.8565 0.8567 0.8568 0.8690 0.8695 0.8731 0.8710 0.8700 0.8714
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    表  3  不同插值算法基于EPI的比较(dB)

    Table  3  A comparison of different interpolation methods with respect to the EPI (dB)

    测试图像 Bicubic NEDI LMMSE SAI SME NARM CGI CED 本文算法
    (1981) (2001) (2006) (2008) (2010) (2013) (2013) (2016)
    Airplane 0.7776 0.7793 0.7452 0.7629 0.7946 0.7730 0.8055 0.8050 0.8080
    Bike 0.7725 0.8059 0.7469 0.7808 0.7917 0.8027 0.8267 0.8257 0.8323
    Boats 0.7473 0.7359 0.7052 0.7279 0.7671 0.7209 0.7607 0.7586 0.7640
    Bridge 0.7009 0.6802 0.6648 0.6855 0.7039 0.7055 0.7149 0.7090 0.7218
    Butterfly 0.8406 0.8713 0.8175 0.8516 0.8691 0.8657 0.8856 0.8863 0.8874
    Cameraman 0.7342 0.7212 0.6902 0.7099 0.7562 0.7234 0.7528 0.7554 0.7542
    Fence 0.7015 0.7901 0.6738 0.7213 0.7309 0.7227 0.7118 0.7110 0.7141
    House 0.7508 0.7429 0.7213 0.7400 0.7723 0.7231 0.7580 0.7581 0.7594
    Lena 0.7928 0.8078 0.7711 0.7928 0.8075 0.7946 0.8236 0.8234 0.8273
    Parthenon 0.7018 0.6996 0.6632 0.6803 0.7175 0.6884 0.7159 0.7142 0.7191
    Station 0.8475 0.8781 0.8125 0.8433 0.8684 0.8656 0.8979 0.8968 0.9003
    Wheel 0.7310 0.8214 0.6785 0.8036 0.7912 0.7455 0.8159 0.8186 0.8178
    平均值 0.7582 0.7778 0.7242 0.7583 0.7809 0.7609 0.7891 0.7885 0.7921
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    表  4  不同算法的插值时间比较(s)

    Table  4  A comparison of different interpolation methods with respect to the CPU time (s)

    测试图像 Bicubic NEDI LMMSE SME NARM CGI CED 本文算法
    (1981) (2001) (2006) (2010) (2013) (2013) (2016)
    Airplane 0.052 12.547 11.501 170.446 387.140 1.662 1.178 1.715
    Bike 0.048 28.306 23.947 399.348 1014.306 3.530 2.572 3.766
    Boats 0.030 17.657 14.464 235.319 580.087 2.126 1.554 2.279
    Bridge 0.030 17.886 14.339 233.430 708.391 2.285 1.633 3.113
    Butterfly 0.016 7.175 7.024 109.869 233.126 1.006 0.754 1.133
    Cameraman 0.011 3.906 3.506 52.474 127.869 0.518 0.399 0.527
    Fence 0.008 4.658 3.484 53.359 154.776 0.540 0.395 0.572
    House 0.008 3.780 3.480 52.230 141.061 0.539 0.379 0.549
    Lena 0.007 3.990 3.483 52.295 157.384 0.545 0.427 0.598
    Parthenon 0.018 8.543 7.192 116.360 332.498 1.136 0.812 1.218
    Station 0.009 4.092 3.516 52.557 145.134 0.551 0.427 0.618
    Wheel 0.008 2.764 2.309 35.045 98.709 0.375 0.304 0.430
    平均值 0.020 9.609 8.187 130.228 340.040 1.234 0.903 1.377
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    表  5  CGI算法和PGI算法对彩色图像进行插值的PSNR (dB)和CPU时间(s)比较

    Table  5  A comparison of different interpolation methods with respect to the PSNR (dB) and the CPU time (s)

    彩色图像 Butterfly Airplane Starfish
    PSNR CPU time PSNR CPU time PSNR CPU time
    CGI 27.59 1.5 29.94 4.1 28.91 1.4
    本文算法 27.75 0.6 29.95 1.4 29.01 0.6
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