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高明哲 许爱强 唐小峰 张伟

肖进胜, 杜康华, 涂超平, 岳显昌. 基于多聚焦图像深度信息提取的背景虚化显示. 自动化学报, 2015, 41(2): 304-311. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2015.c140059
引用本文: 高明哲, 许爱强, 唐小峰, 张伟. 基于多核多分类相关向量机的模拟电路故障诊断方法. 自动化学报, 2019, 45(2): 434-444. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.c160779
XIAO Jin-Sheng, DU Kang-Hua, TU Chao-Ping, YUE Xian-Chang. Bokeh Display Based on Depth Information Extraction of Multi-focus Images. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2015, 41(2): 304-311. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2015.c140059
Citation: GAO Ming-Zhe, XU Ai-Qiang, TANG Xiao-Feng, ZHANG Wei. Analog Circuit Diagnostic Method Based on Multi-kernel Learning Multiclass Relevance Vector Machine. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2019, 45(2): 434-444. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.c160779


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.c160779

武器装备预研基金 020214JB14435


    许爱强  海军航空工程学院科研部教授.主要研究方向为电子信息系统的测试与故障诊断技术.E-mail:hy_xuaiqiang@163.com

    唐小峰  海军航空工程学院科研部博士研究生.分别于2007年和2010年获得国防科技大学航天工程学士学位和武器系统与运用工程硕士学位.主要研究方向为电路的测试、故障建模和故障诊断.E-mail:vivorimage@126.com

    张伟  海军航空工程学院科研部博士研究生.分别于2012年和2014年获得海军航空工程学院信息与通信工程学士学位和硕士学位.主要研究方向为核方法, 电子设备的智能故障诊断.E-mail:hjhy1989@163.com


    高明哲  中国人民解放军91054部队工程师.分别于2011年、2013年和2017年获得海军航空工程学院信息与通信工程学士学位、硕士学位和博士学位.主要研究方向为模式识别, 电子设备的故障诊断与预测.本文通信作者.E-mail:mac7872@163.com

Analog Circuit Diagnostic Method Based on Multi-kernel Learning Multiclass Relevance Vector Machine


Weaponry Pre-research Foundation 020214JB14435

More Information
    Author Bio:

     Professor in the Department of Scientific Research, Naval Aeronautical and Astronautical University. His research interest covers testing and diagnosis of electronic information system

     Ph. D. candidate in the Department of Scientific Research, Naval Aeronautical and Astronautical University. He received his bachelor and master degrees in aerospace engineering and weapon systems and utilization engineering from National University of Defense Technology in 2007 and 2010, respectively. His research interest covers circuit test and diagnosis, fault modeling

     Ph. D. candidate in the Department of Scientific Research, Naval Aeronautical and Astronautical University. He received his bachelor and master degrees in information and communication engineering from Naval Aeronautical and Astronautical University in 2012 and 2014, respectively. His research interest covers kernel methods, intelligent fault diagnosis of electronic equipment

    Corresponding author: GAO Ming-Zhe  Engineer at the Chinese People's Liberation Army 91054 Unit. He received his bachelor, master, and Ph. D. degrees in information and communication engineering from Naval Aeronautical and Astronautical University in 2011, 2013, and 2017, respectively. His research interest covers pattern recognition, fault diagnosis, and prediction of electronic equipment. Corresponding author of this paper
  • 摘要: 针对模拟电路实际存在的多类故障问题,本文提出一种基于多核多分类相关向量机(Multi-kernel learning multiclass relevance vector machine,MKL-mRVM)的模拟电路故障诊断方法.所提方法能够在故障数据所在的原始特征空间上建立多个非线性核,在构建分类器的同时实现故障特征的约简;同时,基于贝叶斯框架的分类模型还能够给出诊断结果的后验概率.通过两个电路的诊断实验证明了所提方法的优越性和实用性.

  • 本文责任编委 钟麦英
  • 图  1  多核组合原理图

    Fig.  1  Combination of multi-kernels

    图  2  MKL-mRVM模型结构示意图

    Fig.  2  Schematic diagram of MKL-mRVM

    图  3  诊断实施框架示意图

    Fig.  3  Implementation framework of the diagnosis

    图  4  模糊度示意图

    Fig.  4  Schematic diagram of ambiguity

    图  5  Sallen-Key带通滤波电路结构图

    Fig.  5  Sallen-Key band-pass fllter circuit diagram

    图  6  几类故障的频率响应曲线

    Fig.  6  Frequency response curves of faults

    图  7  MKL-mRVM的迭代过程

    Fig.  7  Diagnostic performance comparison of 3 methods

    图  8  故障特征对应的加权系数值

    Fig.  8  The weighting factors of fault features

    图  9  诊断结果的置信度

    Fig.  9  Confldence of diagnostic results

    图  10  Biquad低通滤波电路结构图

    Fig.  10  Biquad low-pass fllter circuit diagram

    图  11  几类故障的频率响应曲线

    Fig.  11  Frequency response curves of faults

    图  12  不同门限下f0所在的模糊组

    Fig.  12  Ambiguity groups of f0 under difierent thresholds

    表  1  变异操作

    Table  1  Mutation operators

    操作 名称 描述
    PCH 参数改变(Parameter change) 将元件的指定参数偏离其容差范围
    ROP 电阻开路(Resistive open) 在元件的端口间接入一个阻值极大的电阻以表示开路
    LRB 局部电阻桥接(Local resistive bridging) 在同一元件的两个端口间接入一个阻值极小的电阻
    GRB 全局电阻桥接(Global resistive bridging) 在不同元件的两个节点间接入一个阻值极小的电阻
    NSP 节点分裂(Node splitting) 将一个节点分为两个, 并在分出的节点上接入一个阻值极大的电阻
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    表  2  Sallen-Key带通滤波电路故障描述

    Table  2  Faults in Sallen-Key band-pass fllter

    编号 故障描述 标称值 故障值
    f0 无故障
    f1 C1↑ 5 nF [6 ~ 10] nF
    f2 C1↓ 5 nF [0.5 ~ 4] nF
    f3 C2↑ 5 nF [6 ~ 10] nF
    f4 C2↓ 5 nF [0.5 ~ 4] nF
    f5 R1↑ 5.18 k$\Omega$ [6.22 ~ 10.36] k$\Omega$
    f6 R1↓ 5.18 k$\Omega$ [0.52 ~ 4.14] k$\Omega$
    f7 R2↑ 1 k$\Omega$ [1.2 ~ 2] k$\Omega$
    f8 R2↓ 1 k$\Omega$ [0.1 ~ 0.8] k$\Omega$
    f9 R3↑ 2 k$\Omega$ [2.4 ~ 4] k$\Omega$
    f10 R3↓ 2 k$\Omega$ [0.2 ~ 1.6] k$\Omega$
    f11 R4↑ 4 k$\Omega$ [4.8 ~ 8] k$\Omega$
    f12 R4↓ 4 k$\Omega$ [0.4 ~ 3.2] k$\Omega$
    f13 R5↑ 4 k$\Omega$ [4.8 ~ 8] k$\Omega$
    f14 R5↓ 4 k$\Omega$ [0.4 ~ 3.2] k$\Omega$
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    表  3  三种方法的诊断性能对比

    Table  3  Diagnostic performance comparison of 3 methods

    方法 漏判率 误判率 检测率 隔离率 准确率 训练时间/s 测试时间/s
    MKL-mRVM 0.0107 0.0200 0.9986 0.9893 0.9640 381.43 3.007E$-$04
    OAO-SVM 0.0071 0.0600 0.9957 0.9928 0.9160 2.2103 1.781E$-$04
    kELM 0.0114 0.0900 0.9935 0.9886 0.9020 0.1287 3.607E$-$05
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    表  4  Biquad低通滤波电路故障描述

    Table  4  Faults in Biquad low-pass fllter

    编号 故障描述 编号 故障描述 编号 故障描述 编号 故障描述
    f0 无故障 f24 ROP (R4, +) f48 LRB (R4, +, $-$) f72 GRB (n2, in)
    f1 PCH (C1↑) f25 ROP (R5, +) f49 LRB (R5, +, $-$) f73 GRB (n2, n4)
    f2 PCH (C1↓) f26 ROP (R6, +) f50 LRB (R6, +, $-$) f74 GRB (n2, n5)
    f3 PCH (C2↑) f27 ROP (R7, +) f51 LRB (R7, +, $-$) f75 GRB (n2, out)
    f4 PCH (C2↓) f28 ROP (U1, 1) f52 LRB (U1, 1, 2) f76 GRB (n3, in)
    f5 PCH (R1↑) f29 ROP (U1, 2) f53 LRB (U1, 2, 3) f77 GRB (n3, n5)
    f6 PCH (R1↓) f30 ROP (U1, 3) f54 LRB (U1, 3, 4) f78 GRB (n3, out)
    f7 PCH (R2↑) f31 ROP (U1, 4) f55 LRB (U1, 4, 5) f79 GRB (n4, in)
    f8 PCH (R2↓) f32 ROP (U1, 5) f56 LRB (U1, 5, 1) f80 GRB (n4, out)
    f9 PCH (R3↑) f33 ROP (U2, 1) f57 LRB (U2, 1, 2) f81 GRB (n5, in)
    f10 PCH (R3↓) f34 ROP (U2, 2) f58 LRB (U2, 2, 3) f82 GRB (n6, in)
    f11 PCH (R4↑) f35 ROP (U2, 3) f59 LRB (U2, 3, 4) f83 GRB (n6, n3)
    f12 PCH (R4↓) f36 ROP (U2, 4) f60 LRB (U2, 4, 5) f84 GRB (n6, n5)
    f13 PCH (R5↑) f37 ROP (U2, 5) f61 LRB (U2, 5, 1) f85 GRB (n6, out)
    f14 PCH (R5↓) f38 ROP (U3, 1) f62 LRB (U3, 1, 2) f86 GRB (in, out)
    f15 PCH (R6↑) f39 ROP (U3, 2) f63 LRB (U3, 2, 3) f87 NSP (n1, [2, 3] [1, 4])
    f16 PCH (R6↓) f40 ROP (U3, 3) f64 LRB (U3, 3, 4) f88 NSP (n1, [2, 4] [1, 3])
    f17 PCH (R7↑) f41 ROP (U3, 4) f65 LRB (U3, 4, 5) f89 NSP (n1, [3, 4] [1, 2])
    f18 PCH (R7↓) f42 ROP (U3, 5) f66 LRB (U3, 5, 1) f90 NSP (n4, [2, 3] [1, 4])
    f19 ROP (C1, +) f43 LRB (C1, +, $-$) f67 GRB (n1, 0) f91 NSP (n4, [2, 4] [1, 3])
    f20 ROP (C2, +) f44 LRB (C2, +, $-$) f68 GRB (n1, n3) f92 NSP (n4, [3, 4] [1, 2])
    f21 ROP (R1, +) f45 LRB (R1, +, $-$) f69 GRB (n1, n4)
    f22 ROP (R2, +) f46 LRB (R2, +, $-$) f70 GRB (n1, n5)
    f23 ROP (R3, +) f47 LRB (R3, +, $-$) f71 GRB (n2, 0)
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    表  5  三种方法的诊断性能对比

    Table  5  Diagnostic performance comparison of 3 methods

    方法 $\lambda$ 漏判率 误判率 检测率 隔离率 准确率 训练时间(s) 测试时间(s)
    1 0.0165 0.9200 0.9899 0.9834 0.6069
    0.7 0.0235 0.3400 0.9962 0.9765 0.7796
    MKL-mRVM 0.5 0.0215 0.0600 0.9993 0.9893 0.8602 2.0436E$-$05 1.7472
    0.3 0.0132 0.0200 0.9997 0.9867 0.9202
    0.1 0.0132 0.0200 0.9997 0.9867 0.9406
    1 0.0254 0.9600 09894 0.9746 0.5303
    0.7 0.0608 0.4400 0.9950 0.9656 0.6905
    OAO-SVM 0.5 0.0196 0.0400 0.9996 0.9804 0.8009 4.6002E$-$02 0.1628
    0.3 0.0167 0.0400 0.9996 0.9833 0.8598
    0.1 0.0167 0.0400 0.9996 0.9833 0.9191
    1 0.0402 0.9800 0.9890 0.9598 0.5006
    0.7 0.0437 0.4800 0.9941 0.9563 0.6301
    kELM 0.5 0.0243 0.0800 0.9991 0.9757 0.7623 1.9524 1.4584E$-$04
    0.3 0.0191 0.0600 0.9996 0.9809 0.8271
    0.1 0.0191 0.0400 0.9996 0.9809 0.9013
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    表  6  其他特征的诊断性能

    Table  6  Diagnostic performance of other features

    故障特征 分类算法 训练时间(s) 分类准确率
    高阶统计量 mRVM 6.1434E$-$03 0.2046
    电路规格参数 mRVM 5.6213E$-$03 0.3871
    MAF mRVM 1.7324E$-$04 0.5113
    MAF MKL-mRVM 2.0436E$-$05 0.6069
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