Cluster Analysis of Plantar Pressure Characteristics after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Deficiency
摘要: 运动过程中,人体的步态特征可以在足底压力图像上有准确的记录,而这也就可以成为判断步态正常与否的一条有效依据.通过一组压力传感器阵列获取人体运动过程的足底压力分布数据,提取步态的运动学和动力学特性.在此基础上,采用极限学习机(Extreme learning machines,ELM)神经网络聚类算法对足底压力数据进行分析,完成正常与异常步态的分类辨识工作.本文从实际临床数据出发,对前交叉韧带断裂患者进行步态分析,并据医生的临床诊断结果进行校验.该方法在步态分析上取得了较为良好的效果,仿真结果表明了其有效性.Abstract: The gait characteristics of an actor can be recorded accurately on the plantar pressure map in a movement. It can be used to distinguish whether the gait of this actor in a movement is abnormal or not. Using a set of pressure sensors, the plantar pressure during dynamic motion is collected, and the kinetic and dynamic characteristics of gait are extracted. Then extreme learning machines (ELM) neural network cluster algorithm is used to the analyze of the plantar pressure data and identification of normal or abnormal gait is done. Based on actual clinical data, this method carries out an analysis of patients with anterior cruciate ligament deficiency, which is checked according to the doctor's clinical diagnosis results. Result shows that this method is effective.
表 1 正常测试者左侧足底压力数据特征序列表
Table 1 COP feature vectors of left feet in the normal group
序号 组别 $C_1x$ $C_1y$ $C_2x$ $C_2y$ $C_3x$ $C_3y$ $C_4x$ $C_4y$ $C_5x$ $C_5y$ 1 $A$ 2 12 5 12 24 14 26 15 26 14 2 3 11 4 12 17 12 23 12 27 14 3 2 13 3 13 10 13 23 12 27 14 4 3 13 5 13 15 11 23 12 28 13 5 3 13 5 13 14 11 22 11 28 11 6 $B$ 3 12 5 13 13 11 22 11 27 11 7 3 13 4 13 13 10 22 10 28 13 8 3 13 6 13 15 8 21 7 27 7 9 3 13 5 13 14 11 22 11 28 11 10 3 12 5 13 13 11 22 11 27 11 11 $C$ 3 12 5 13 10 11 21 9 28 12 12 3 10 5 9 12 9 21 10 27 15 13 2 13 9 10 13 10 11 10 26 13 14 2 9 4 9 8 9 21 9 27 15 15 3 9 5 10 6 10 23 13 28 14 16 $D$ 3 8 4 9 8 9 22 12 27 15 17 3 8 5 9 13 8 22 10 28 16 18 3 12 8 11 16 9 21 10 27 13 19 2 13 7 12 13 10 22 10 27 13 20 3 13 8 11 19 8 21 9 27 13 21 $E$ 3 12 10 10 17 9 21 9 27 12 22 3 14 5 14 13 12 6 14 27 9 23 2 15 5 15 7 15 23 10 27 8 24 3 15 8 13 14 9 10 11 28 7 25 3 14 5 15 16 10 22 9 26 10 表 2 左膝ACL断裂测试者左侧足底压力数据特征序列表
Table 2 COP feature vectors of left feet in the group of left side ACLD
序号 组别 $C_1x$ $C_1y$ $C_2x$ $C_2y$ $C_3x$ $C_3y$ $C_4x$ $C_4y$ $C_5x$ $C_5y$ 1 $A$ 2 12 4 12 11 12 20 11 27 14 2 2 11 9 9 15 9 21 9 27 15 3 2 10 6 9 11 9 21 10 28 15 4 3 10 11 7 15 9 21 9 28 15 5 3 11 6 11 14 9 20 9 27 13 6 $B$ 3 10 11 7 15 9 21 9 28 15 7 3 10 11 6 13 7 20 8 27 15 8 2 10 7 10 12 9 20 8 27 14 9 4 12 5 13 13 11 20 11 27 13 10 2 11 5 12 13 12 21 12 27 14 11 $C$ 3 13 4 14 10 14 23 12 28 13 12 3 11 5 11 12 12 22 13 28 14 13 2 12 4 13 10 12 21 12 27 15 14 2 13 5 13 12 12 22 12 28 14 15 2 13 7 11 11 10 21 10 26 11 16 $D$ 2 13 8 10 12 9 20 7 23 9 17 3 13 6 11 14 9 23 9 24 9 18 3 14 8 12 14 10 21 9 24 9 19 1 13 6 12 15 7 21 8 24 10 20 2 9 5 9 15 10 22 12 27 13 21 $E$ 3 9 14 6 19 7 21 10 27 12 22 2 10 8 7 14 8 21 11 27 13 23 2 9 8 7 18 8 21 10 27 13 24 3 11 6 11 14 8 20 9 27 13 25 3 10 5 10 15 7 21 10 28 14 表 3 左侧足底压力数据聚类分析辨识结果
Table 3 The result of left plantar pressure analysis
序号 训练组别 训练数据个数 测试组别 测试数据个数 辨识准确率 (%) 1 $A, B, C, D$ 40 $E$ 10 90 2 $A, B, C, E$ 40 $D$ 10 50 3 $A, B, D, E$ 40 $C$ 10 60 4 $ A, C, D, E$ 40 $B$ 10 100 5 $B, C, D, E$ 40 $A$ 10 80 表 4 正常测试者右侧足底压力数据特征序列表
Table 4 COP feature vectors of right feet in the normal group
序号 组别 $C_1x$ $C_1y$ $C_2x$ $C_2y$ $C_3x$ $C_3y$ $C_4x$ $C_4y$ $C_5x$ $C_5y$ 1 $A$ 3 8 5 7 14 8 7 7 27 6 2 3 10 4 8 10 8 22 5 27 5 3 2 8 4 8 12 8 21 9 27 7 4 2 5 4 4 11 7 22 9 28 9 5 2 4 4 4 13 8 22 10 27 9 6 $B$ 3 5 5 4 5 4 22 10 28 10 7 3 4 4 4 16 9 23 9 28 9 8 3 5 4 5 13 8 22 9 28 8 9 2 4 4 4 13 8 22 10 27 9 10 3 5 5 4 5 4 22 10 28 10 11 $C$ 3 5 4 4 12 7 22 9 28 10 12 4 7 5 7 12 8 21 8 23 9 13 2 7 6 6 16 7 22 6 26 3 14 3 9 4 9 14 8 21 6 27 4 15 2 5 5 5 13 6 21 7 27 4 16 $D$ 3 6 4 6 12 7 21 8 27 5 17 3 7 8 8 16 8 21 9 27 6 18 2 8 7 10 12 10 22 10 28 7 19 2 7 4 8 15 9 9 9 27 6 20 3 7 9 8 15 8 22 7 28 4 21 $E$ 3 9 9 12 16 12 22 9 27 5 22 3 4 5 4 14 6 5 4 27 9 23 3 7 5 7 13 10 23 13 27 14 24 2 5 5 5 10 6 6 5 27 8 25 3 6 4 6 7 6 4 6 27 8 表 5 右膝ACL断裂测试者右侧足底压力数据特征序列表
Table 5 COP feature vectors of right feet in the group of right side ACLD
序号 组别 $C_1x$ $C_1y$ $C_2x$ $C_2y$ $C_3x$ $C_3y$ $C_4x$ $C_4y$ $C_5x$ $C_5y$ 1 $A$ 2 4 8 8 17 10 21 10 27 8 2 3 7 4 7 15 9 20 9 27 7 3 2 6 5 6 17 10 21 9 27 8 4 3 6 7 8 18 9 22 9 27 8 5 2 6 7 8 17 10 21 10 27 8 6 $B$ 2 6 7 7 13 7 23 8 27 8 7 3 4 5 4 14 7 22 9 27 11 8 2 4 7 6 12 6 23 8 27 9 9 3 5 8 7 14 8 23 8 27 9 10 2 6 5 6 15 7 22 8 27 8 11 $C$ 2 4 5 5 12 6 21 9 27 8 12 3 5 5 6 12 8 22 10 27 10 13 2 7 6 7 16 9 14 10 27 6 14 2 8 11 11 16 10 21 9 27 6 15 3 7 5 8 16 9 21 9 27 5 16 $D$ 2 6 6 7 13 9 21 9 27 4 17 2 6 7 8 16 9 21 8 27 4 18 3 7 6 8 17 10 22 9 28 6 19 2 6 4 6 13 8 22 9 28 8 20 2 7 4 7 10 7 21 9 27 7 21 $E$ 3 9 6 9 12 10 21 10 27 6 22 3 7 6 7 15 9 22 8 27 7 23 3 6 6 6 17 8 23 7 28 6 24 3 6 5 6 16 9 21 10 27 5 25 3 7 8 8 15 10 22 11 28 8 表 6 右侧足底压力数据聚类分析辨识结果
Table 6 The result of right plantar pressure analysis
序号 训练组别 训练数据个数 测试组别 测试数据个数 辨识准确率 (%) 1 $ A, B, C, D$ 40 $E$ 10 80 2 $A, B, C, E$ 40 $D$ 10 70 3 $ A, B, D, E$ 40 $C$ 10 80 4 $ A, C, D, E$ 40 $B$ 10 70 5 $ B, C, D, E$ 40 $A$ 10 80 -
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