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薛明龙 吴海锋 曾玉

齐洁, 王川, 潘峰. 球对称n维反应扩散方程的边界观测与输出反馈控制. 自动化学报, 2015, 41(7): 1356-1364. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2015.c140741
引用本文: 薛明龙, 吴海锋, 曾玉. 无监督的猕猴运动皮层锋电位信号CKF解码. 自动化学报, 2017, 43(2): 302-312. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.c160065
QI Jie, WANG Chuan, PAN Feng. Boundary Observer and Output-feedback Control for a Class of n-dimensional Symmetric Advection-diffusion Equations. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2015, 41(7): 1356-1364. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2015.c140741
Citation: XUE Ming-Long, WU Hai-Feng, ZENG Yu. Unsupervised CKF Decoding for Macaque Motor Cortical Spikes. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2017, 43(2): 302-312. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.c160065


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.c160065

云南省第17批中青年学术和技术带头人资助项目 2014HB019

云南省教育厅科学基金重点项目 2014Z093

国家自然科学基金 61262091

云南民族大学研究生创新基金项目 2016YJCXS03






Unsupervised CKF Decoding for Macaque Motor Cortical Spikes


the 17th Batches of Young and Middle-aged Leaders in Academic and Technical Reserved Talents Project of Yunnan Province 2014HB019

the Project of Scientific Research Foundation of Yunnan Provincial Department of Education 2014Z093

National Natural Science Foundation of China 61262091

the Project of Postgraduate Innovation Foundation of Yunnan Minzu University 2016YJCXS03

More Information
    Author Bio:

    Master student at the School of Electrical and Information Technology, Yunnan Minzu University. His research interest covers machine learning and neural network

    Lecturer at Yunnan Minzu University. Her main research interest is radio frequency identification (RFID) technology

    Corresponding author: WU Hai-Feng Professor at Yunnan Minzu University. His main research interest is radio frequency identification (RFID) technology. Corresponding author of this paper
  • 摘要: 如何通过猕猴运动皮层的神经元锋电位信号估计其手指移动位置是一神经解码问题,现存方法解决该问题大多采用有监督训练,需要通过训练数据得到神经元锋电位信号与手指移动位置的关系,因此其估计性能依赖于训练数据.本文提出了一种无监督解码方法,该方法基于状态空间模型(State space model,SSM),利用神经网络得到神经元锋电位数与手指移动位置的关系权值,再用逐次状态估计方法去估计手指移动的位置.为减少训练的复杂度和提高估计准确度,采用一种非线性的积分卡尔曼滤波(Cubature Kalman filtering,CKF)来完成神经网络的训练和手指位置的逐次状态估计.与传统方法相比,该方法的最大特点是无监督,可以由神经元锋电位簇向量直接估计手指移动位置,而无需有监督训练.实验结果显示,当采用较少的有监督数据,现存方法与本文方法相比有较大的估计误差;当采用较多的有监督数据,现存方法才具有与本文方法相近似的估计误差.

  • 本文责任编委 田捷
  • 图  1  猕猴手指移动轨迹图

    Fig.  1  An example for the trajectory of a macaque's finger

    图  2  相邻两时刻纵坐标间差值${\Delta y}$的分布概率图

    Fig.  2  An example for the distribution of ${\Delta y}$

    图  3  相邻两时刻纵坐标间差值${\Delta s}$的分布概率图

    Fig.  3  An example for the distribution of ${\Delta s}$

    图  4  权值训练神经网络信号流

    Fig.  4  Weight training neural network signals flow

    图  5  位置估计与权值训练

    Fig.  5  Position estimation and weight training

    图  6  线性拟合位置估计与手指移动实际位置曲线对比

    Fig.  6  Linear fitting position estimation compared with fingers moving curve of actual position

    图  7  KF位置估计与手指移动实际位置曲线对比

    Fig.  7  KF algorithm position estimation compared with fingers moving curve of actual position

    图  8  UCKD位置估计与手指移动实际位置曲线对比

    Fig.  8  UCKD algorithm position estimation compared with fingers moving curve of actual position

    图  9  UCKD训练次数RMSE变化图

    Fig.  9  UCKD's RMSE correlated with the number of training

    图  10  UCKD算法随数据长度变化的位置估计RMSE曲线图

    Fig.  10  UCKD algorithm with data length change of position estimation RMSE curve

    图  11  三种方法的RMSE变化图

    Fig.  11  Three algorithm of RMSE variation

    表  1  5次训练的RMSE (cm)

    Table  1  Five times the RMSE of training (cm)

    训练次数 第1组 第2组 第3组 第4组 第5组 均值 方差
    1 3.835 4.098 4.470 3.480 4.165 4.010 0.139
    2 3.207 4.154 4.293 3.045 3.708 3.681 0.307
    3 2.658 4.009 3.434 2.485 2.812 3.080 0.398
    4 2.203 3.144 2.493 2.277 2.248 2.473 0.153
    5 2.151 2.528 2.219 2.218 2.113 2.246 0.027
    6 2.144 2.347 2.173 2.194 2.080 2.188 0.010
    7 2.147 2.328 2.163 2.182 2.073 2.179 0.009
    8 2.153 2.342 2.158 2.178 2.065 2.179 0.010
    9 2.160 2.365 2.155 2.177 2.060 2.171 0.007
    10 2.166 2.389 2.153 2.179 2.058 2.170 0.007
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    1. 董顺科,肖敏,虞文武. Schnakenberg系统的时空斑图演化机理研究. 自动化学报. 2024(08): 1620-1630 . 本站查看


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    • 收稿日期:  2016-01-21
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    • 刊出日期:  2017-02-01


