摘要: 针对基于概率假设密度算法(Probability hypothesis density,PHD)的非线性多目标跟踪精度低、滤波发散等问题,提出了一种新的PHD算法——改进的均方根嵌入式容积粒子PHD算法(Advanced square-root imbedded cubature particle PHD,ASRICP-PHD).新的算法在初始化采样时将整个采样区域等概率划分为若干个区域,然后利用既定的准则从每个区域抽取粒子,并利用均方根嵌入式容积滤波方法对每个粒子进行滤波,来拟合重要密度函数,预测和更新多目标状态的PHD.仿真结果表明该算法能对多目标进行有效跟踪,相比拟随机采样法和伪随机采样,等概率采样的方法在多目标位置估计和数目估计上有更高的精度.
- 多目标跟踪 /
- 概率假设密度 /
- 均方根嵌入式容积滤波 /
- 等概率采样
Abstract: Considering the low accuracy, filter divergence and other problems of nonlinear multi-target tracking based on probability hypothesis density (PHD), a new filter named advanced square-root imbedded cubature particle PHD (ASRICP-PHD) is proposed. ASRICP-PHD divides the whole particle sampling area into several parts of equal probability, then uses a special rule to obtain particles from each part, and matches the important density function with square-root imbedded cubature particle filter, and therefore predicts and updates PHD. Simulation shows that ASRICP-PHD is able to track multiple targets effectively. Moreover, compared with quasi random sampling, the method of particle sampling based on probability has higher accuracy in terms of multi-target positions and number's estimations.1) 本文责任编委 赖剑煌 -
表 1 初始化目标运动参数
Table 1 Motion parameters initialization
目标 位置(m) 速度(m·s-1) t0 (s) tf (s) 1 (-250, 250) (5, -5) 1 45 2 (-250, -250) (5, 5) 1 50 3 (-160, 160) (7, -9) 17 50 4 (-160, -160) (9, 7) 27 50 表 2 $P_f$ 分析( $offset = 40\,{\rm {m}}; {\rm CV}$ )
Table 2 Analysis of $P_f$ ( $offset = 40\,{\rm {m}}; {\rm CV}$ )
采样手段 失败次数 仿真次数 Pf QRS 20 60 0.334 EPS (N=96) 8 60 0.134 EPS (N=200) 3 60 0.05 PRS 35 60 0.584 表 3 $P_f$ 分析( $offset = 100\,{\rm {m}}; {\rm CT}$ )
Table 3 Analysis of $P_f$ ( $offset = 100\,{\rm {m}}; {\rm CT}$ )
算法 失败次数 仿真次数 Pf ASRICP-PHD 17 60 0.28 ASRCP-PHD 32 60 0.502 HSRUP-PHD 50 60 0.83 SRGHP-PHD 55 60 0.916 -
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