摘要: 提升技术是处理非均匀采样数据(Non-uniformly sampled-data,NUSD)系统的标准工具.然而,提升状态空间模型存在因果约束问题,相应的提升传递函数模型结构复杂,且参数数目过多.因此,它们不便于非均匀采样数据系统的辨识与控制.通过引入时变后移算子,本文提出了一种输入输出表达的新型模型描述方法.该模型能够克服提升系统模型的缺点,使得传统单率系统的辨识和控制方法能够推广到非均匀采样数据系统中.仿真结果表明了新模型的优越性和有效性.Abstract: The lifting technique is a benchmark tool to deal with non-uniformly sampled-data (NUSD) systems. However, the lifted state space model suffers from the causality constraint problem, and the corresponding lifted transfer function model is complex and involves a large number of parameters. Therefore, they are inconvenient for the identification and control purposes. By introducing a time-varying backward shift operator, this paper proposes a novel input-output representation of NUSD systems. The proposed model can overcome the limitation of the lifted models, and make traditional identification methods and control strategies of single-rate systems applicable to NUSD systems. The simulation results illustrate the advantages and effectiveness of the novel model.
Key words:
- Non-uniform sampling /
- multirate system /
- system model /
- transfer function model
1) 本文责任编委 方海涛 -
表 1 模型参数数目比较
Table 1 The parameter number comparison of different models
模型 参数数目 (n = 2, r = 10) 提升状态空间模型 n2 + 2nr + r2 144 提升传递函数模型 nr2 + n + r 212 基于时变后移算子的传递函数模型 2 nr + r 50 表 2 提升传递函数模型
Table 2 The lifted transfer function model
j α(z) β0,j 1 1-0.3695z-1+0.2865z-2 0.1038z-1 + 0.005038z-2 2 0.1279z-1 + 0.02207z-2 3 0.1406z-1 + 0.05318z-2 4 0.126z-1 + 0.1034z-2 5 0.05919z-1 + 0.1758z-2 j β1,j β2,j(z) 1 0.01573 + 0.09557z-1 0.04951 + 0.07633z-1 2 0.1297z-1 + 0.007972z-2 0.02422 + 0.1171z-1 3 0.1511z-1 + 0.03344z-2 0.1555z-1 + 0.01162z-2 4 0.152z-1 + 0.0775z-2 0.1723z-1 + 0.04747z-2 5 0.109z-1 + 0.145z-2 0.156z-1 + 0.1069z-2 j β3,j β4,j(z) 1 0.07863 + 0.05338z-1 0.098 + 0.02866-1 2 0.07226 + 0.08816z-1 0.1089 + 0.05529z-1 3 0.03435 + 0.1376z-1 0.09796 + 0.09715z-1 4 0.1812z-1 + 0.01602z-2 0.04604 + 0.1572z-1 5 0.1911z-1 + 0.06427z-2 0.2066z-1 + 0.02117z-2 表 3 基于时变后移算子的传递函数模型
Table 3 The time-varying backward shift operator based transfer function model
i Ai(δ) Bi(δ) 0 1-1.7269δ-1+ 0.83267δ-2 0.059191δ-1 +0.046547δ-2 1 1-1.3497δ-1+ 0.3946δ-2 0.015735δ-1 + 0.029157δ-2 2 1-1.9913δ-1+ 1.0337δ-2 0.02422δ-1 +0.018176δ-2 3 1-1.8905δ-1+ 0.95134δ-2 0.034349δ-1 +0.026472δ-2 4 1-1.8047δ1+ 0.88668δ-2 0.046035δ-1 +0.035974δ-2 -
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