摘要: 物联网系统包含大量的感知设备,产生大量孤立和异构的感知数据,形成数据孤岛.如何将不同感知设备产生的数据进行有效的语义关联、构建跨域的数据关联模型、屏蔽数据异构性、实现综合智能决策是物联网研究的关键问题.本文以物联网系统为研究对象,从语义入手,构建以环境—资源—行为为核心的物联网本体模型;基于关联数据方法构建以行为关联模型和资源关联模型为核心的物联网语义关联网络;提出一种基于事件的推理算法实现语义推理,从而更好地实现对物联网系统的智能决策;最后,通过两个智能家居系统的实例验证了本文方法的可行性,通过构建不同方法的查询实例验证了本文方法的优越性.Abstract: The Internet of Things (IoT) system contains a large number of sensing devices, as a result, massive isolated and heterogeneous data are generated and forming isolated islands of data. It is a key issue how to realize the effective semantic association of data produced by different sensing devices, and to construct a cross-domain data correlation model, so as to solve data heterogeneity and realize intelligent decision making. In this paper, with the IoT system as the research object, an IoT ontology model is built with environment-resource-behavior as the core. Based on linked data method, the IoT semantic linked network is constructed with the behavior linked model and the resource linked model as the core. And a reasoning algorithm based on event has been put forward to realize the semantic reasoning, so as to better realize the intelligent decision-making of the IoT system. At last, its feasibility is verified through two examples of smart home system, and its superiority is verified through building different query instances.
Key words:
- The Internet of Things (IoT) /
- data island /
- domain ontology /
- semantic association /
- data reasoning
表 1 不同方法的查得率和正确率比较表
Table 1 The comparison table of detection\rate and accuracy
方法编号 语义标注和数据关联 事件推理 查得率(%) 正确率(%) 1 无 无 36 24 2 有 无 72 60 3 有 有 98 98 -
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