摘要: 针对负载未知情况下Buck型DC-DC变换器系统, 基于有限时间控制技术和自适应控制技术, 提出了一种新的快速降压控制算法.首先, 基于时间尺度变换, 对系统的平均状态空间方程进行变换; 然后, 利用饱和有限时间控制理论设计出一类新的快速降压控制算法, 以实现输出电压在有限时间内收敛到参考电压.由于控制器设计过程中考虑了饱和约束条件, 使得变换器的占空比函数满足0到1之间的约束条件.对于负载未知情况, 设计了有限时间观测器以估计未知负载, 最终得到自适应式的有限时间控制算法.与PI控制结果进行了仿真对比, 验证了所提出的控制算法既具有快速的调节性能, 又具有较强的抗负载变化性能.Abstract: For Buck DC-DC converter systems with unknown load variations, a new voltage regulation control algorithm is proposed by using the techniques of finite-time control and adaptive control. First, a time-scale transformation is used for the average state space model of the Buck converter system. Then, based on the saturation finite-time control theory, a new fast voltage regulation control algorithm is designed which can guarantee that the output voltage converges to the reference voltage in a finite time. Because the saturation constraint is considered during the controller design, the duty ratio function of the converter satisfies the constraint between 0 and 1. For an unknown load, a finite-time convergent observer is designed to estimate the unknown load. Finally, an adaptive finite-time control algorithm is developed. Compared with the PI control algorithm, numerical simulations show that the proposed algorithm has a faster regulation performance and stronger performance on load-variation rejection.
Key words:
- Buck converter /
- finite-time control /
- adaptive control /
- finite-time observer
图 4 两种控制算法作用下输出电压响应曲线 (0.5 s时, 负载电阻由30 $\Omega\to15 \Omega$ ; 1 s时, 负载电阻由15 $\Omega\to30 \Omega$ )
Fig. 4 The response curves for output voltage under two control algorithms (At 0.5 second, load resistance is from 30 $\Omega\to15 \Omega$ ; at 1 second, load resistance is from 15 $\Omega\to30 \Omega$ .
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