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张先鹏 陈帆 和红杰

张高阳, 金鑫, 张之敬. 步进驱动系统大振荡机理与轨迹优化控制. 自动化学报, 2015, 41(1): 84-93. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2015.c140154
引用本文: 张先鹏, 陈帆, 和红杰. 结合多种特征的高分辨率遥感影像阴影检测. 自动化学报, 2016, 42(2): 290-298. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2016.c150196
ZHANG Gao-Yang, JIN Xin, ZHANG Zhi-Jing. Large Oscillation Mechanism and Optimization Control of Stepping Systems. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2015, 41(1): 84-93. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2015.c140154
Citation: ZHANG Xian-Peng, CHEN Fan, HE Hong-Jie. Shadow Detection in High Resolution Remote Sensing Images Using Multiple Features. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2016, 42(2): 290-298. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2016.c150196


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2016.c150196

国家自然科学基金 61373180

西南交通大学2015年研究生创新实验实践项目 YC201504 106

国家自然科学基金 61461047


    张先鹏  西南交通大学信息科学与技术学院硕士研究生.主要研究方向为图像处理, 遥感图像目标检测与识别.E-mail:15281099347m0@sina.cn

    和红杰  博士, 西南交通大学信息科学与技术学院教授.主要研究方向为图像处理, 图像取证.E-mail:hjhe@home.swjtu.edu.cn


    陈帆  博士, 西南交通大学信息科学与技术学院副教授.主要研究方向为多媒体数据安全, 图像处理, 计算机应用技术.本文通信作者.E-mail:fchen@home.swjtu.edu.cn

Shadow Detection in High Resolution Remote Sensing Images Using Multiple Features


National Natural Science Foundation of China 61373180

Southwest Jiaotong University Graduate Student Innovation Experiment Project in 2015 YC201504 106

National Natural Science Foundation of China 61461047

More Information
    Author Bio:

    Master student at the Collage of Information Science and Technology Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University. His research interest covers image processing and target detection, and recognition of remote sensing image

    Ph. D., professor at the Collage of Information Science and Technology Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University. Her research interest covers image processing and image forensics

    Corresponding author: CHEN Fan Ph. D., associate professor at the Collage of Information Science and Technology Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University. His research interest covers multimedia data security, image processing, and computer application technology. Corresponding author of this paper
  • 摘要: 针对现有的阴影检测算法对较亮阴影和较暗地物中的阴影不能同时较好地检测等问题, 提出一种结合多种特征的高分辨率遥感影像阴影检测方法.该算法首先结合主成分分析、颜色特征和直方图的分割构建多种阈值检测条件, 然后综合多种特征来进行遥感影像阴影的初步检测, 最后通过分析RGB模型在阴影与非阴影地物上的差别, 利用颜色特性最终检测出阴影区域.实验结果表明, 本文算法能有效检测较亮阴影和较暗地物中的阴影.与现有方法相比, 较亮阴影的平均总错误率从水平集法的31.85%降至24.61%, 较暗地物中阴影的平均总错误率从自动检测法的37.75%降至23.30%.
  • 图  1  迈阿密子图 (842 × 605)

    Fig.  1  Sub region of Miami (842 × 605)

    图  2  沙特阿拉伯麦加城子图 (613 × 403)

    Fig.  2  Sub region of Mecca in Saudi Arabia (613 × 403)

    图  3  结合多种检测条件的算法流程图

    Fig.  3  Flowchart of the algorithm combined with many detection conditions

    图  4  不同情况的亮、暗阴影的总错误率

    Fig.  4  Total error rate of different conditions of light and dark shadow

    图  5  不同条件下的检测结果

    Fig.  5  Detection results under different conditions

    图  6  迈阿密检测结果

    Fig.  6  Detection results of Miami

    图  7  待检测的较亮阴影影像

    Fig.  7  Partial bright shadow images to be detected

    图  8  麦加城的检测结果

    Fig.  8  Detection results of Mecca

    图  9  待检测的较暗地物中的阴影

    Fig.  9  Shadows in dark object to be detected

    表  1  不同条件下阴影检测性能评价 (%)

    Table  1  Detection performance evaluation of shadow under different conditions (%)

    Images Miami Mecca
    ${S_1}$ ${S_2}$ ${S_3}$ ${S_1}$ ${S_2}$ ${S_3}$
    ${{{F}}_{\rm OER}}$ 6.13 14.98 26.94 0.27 11.19 5.41
    ${{{F}}_{\rm AER}}$ 18.61 5.80 6.23 211.38 39.38 32.24
    ${{{F}}_{\rm TER}}$ 24.74 20.79 33.20 211.65 50.57 37.66
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    表  2  不同条件下阴影检测性能评价 (%)

    Table  2  Detection performance evaluation of shadow under different conditions (%)

    Images Miami Jacksonville Las Vegas Urban image 1 Average
    Reference [8] 38.41 6.20 37.27 47.17 32.26
    $F_{\rm OER}$ Reference [3] 6.83 16.22 9.75 8.4 10.3
    Reference [2] 8.03 17.90 13.21 8.81 11.99
    Proposed 12.70 9.67 8.47 25.0113.96
    Reference [8] 0.34 23.20 7.57 5.22 9.08
    $F_{\rm AER}$ Reference [3] 7.53 30.74 11.86 36.05 21.55
    Reference [2] 11.52 59.02 7.38 29.02 26.74
    Proposed 2.39 19.81 14.57 5.8110.65
    Reference [8] 38.75 29.40 44.84 52.39 41.36
    $F_{\rm TER}$ Reference [3] 14.36 46.96 21.61 44.45 31.85
    Reference [2] 19.55 76.95 20.59 37.84 38.73
    Proposed 15.09 29.48 23.03 30.82 24.61
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    表  3  较暗地物中阴影检测性能评价 (%)

    Table  3  Detection performance evaluation of shadows in dark object (%)

    Images Mecca Urban image 2 Urban image 3 Urban image 4 Average
    Reference [8] 53.51 36.88 31.32 33.87 38.90
    $F_{\rm OER}$ Reference [3] 4.21 3.59 6.3 5.6 4.93
    Reference [2] 15.50 18.11 7.17 8.12 12.23
    Proposed 5.30 11.81 6.74 16.2710.03
    Reference [8] 1.13 1.39 0.56 2.25 1.33
    $F_{\rm AER}$ Reference [3] 99.37 168.81 20.88 33.51 80.64
    Reference [2] 45.83 3.42 22.85 30.01 25.53
    Proposed 28.32 5.14 14.58 5.0313.27
    Reference [8] 54.64 38.28 31.87 36.12 40.23
    $F_{\rm TER}$ Reference [3] 103.59 172.4 27.17 39.11 85.57
    Reference [2] 61.33 21.53 30.02 38.13 37.75
    Proposed 33.62 16.95 21.32 21.30 23.30
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    表  4  阴影检测的平均总错误率 (%)

    Table  4  The average total error rate of shadows detection (%)

    Images $F_{\rm TER}$
    Reference [8] Reference [3] Reference [2]Proposed
    较亮阴影 41.36 31.85 38.73 24.61
    较暗地物中阴影 40.23 85.57 37.75 23.30
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