传统相位法三维轮廓测量系统, 对摄像机和投影装置位置关系要求严格, 难以精确校准, 系统的标定工作操作繁杂, 且精度不高. 针对这个问题, 将传统的相位法测量系统中的相位-高度转换关系推广到三维空间中, 建立新的相位法系统模型. 基于新的系统模型, 提出一种快速标定方法. 新系统对摄像机和投影装置并无任何严格的平行、垂直或相交的要求, 在标定过程中, 对标定面的位置也没有严格的要求. 实验表明, 系统结构易于实现, 标定方法简单有效, 提高了系统标定的可操作性以及标定速度, 系统标定时间在2分钟以内, 系统的测量精度较传统方法有较大提高.
To solve the problems of system calibration in phase measuring profilometry (PMP), a new measurement model is proposed. In this model, the relation between phase and height is extended to the 3D space. And it is no longer necessary to arrange the system in parallel, while the camera and projector can be in arbitrary position. By virtue of the camera calibration technique, a convenient and practical calibration method is proposed. The experiments demonstrate that this calibration method is flexible and applicable to many shape measurement tasks. The calibration proceeding can be accomplished within 2 minutes and the system precision is improved.