Median Successful Saccade Size and Visual Lobe
摘要: 用二维视觉搜索实验中的成功扫视幅度中值来量度视力角.通过对成功扫视幅度的 计算和分析,研究了视力角与搜索场景对比度,及干扰物体密度的关系,并揭示了扫视眼动是 由全局搜索策略和瞬间周边视觉信息的引导所共同控制.最后用正态分布模型来模拟视力 角,通过选择适当参数,所给出的函数式能较好地拟合实验数据,并能反映出场景对比度和干 扰物密度之间的互补关系.Abstract: The paper studies visual lobe by measuring and calculating median successful saceade size (MSSS) in 2-D visual search. The experiment results show that MSSS is a function of Michaelson contrast and the clutter density. During scanning a search scene, saccade eye movement is directed by a combination of global covering plan and moment-to-moment adjustments guided by useful peripheral inforraation. At last, a Gaussian model is given to fit the experiment data. This model captures not only the first order effects of clutter and contrast but also their reciprocal interactions.
Key words:
- Eye movements /
- saccade /
- visual search /
- visal lobe /
- successful saccade
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