本文讨论利用复式的方法,综合最可靠控制系统的问题.对只受一个约束条件的系统,直接从工程设计中少花钱、多收益的概念出发,加强薄弱环节,平衡提高各个串联环节的可靠性,应用偏微分求最大值的原理,推导出最可靠控制系统的准确表达式.对带有多个约束条件的可靠性最优化问题,则借助拉格朗日乘子法直接求解.同时,指出不受任何条件约束的复式混合故障系统,也有可靠性最优化的问题,并导出了答案.另外举出计算例题,便于一般工程技术人员参阅和应用. 本文明确提出按照控制系统中元器件的故障性质分为独立(开路型)故障与相依(短路型) 故障两类,这样不但有利于分析元器件或分系统故障对总系统可靠性影响的大小,同时也便于进行最可靠控制系统的设计.
This paper Discusses the synthesis of the most reliable control systems by means of redundancy approach. For one constraint we start from the concept that the weakest section of reliability must be reinforced first until the upper limit of the given constraint is reached. For multiple constraints we introduce the Lagrange multiplier method for solving the optimal problems of system reliability. According to the properties of failures we divide the unreliability into two types, namely, independent failures (as open circuit) and dependent failures (as short circuit). This is not only convenient for analyzing the influence of the failures on adjacent paralleled elements but also for design of optimal control systems.