Global Trajectory Tracking Control of Mobile Robots
摘要: 考察了移动机器人的轨迹跟踪问题,针对以前沿袭线性化的思路设计的控制律带来 的局部稳定特性,基于后退(backstepplng)方法的思想设计了具有全局渐近稳定的跟踪控制 器.该方法将系统分解为低阶子系统来处理,利用中间虚拟控制量和部分Lyapunov函数简 化了控制器的设计并具有直观的稳定性分析.仿真结果验证了所设计控制器的有效性.Abstract: This paper concerns trajectory tracking control of mobile robots. In order to overcome the local stability resulted from linearization design methods, a global asymptotically stable (GAS) controller is designed using backstepping method. This method breaks down nonlinear systems into low dimensional systems and simplifies the controller design using virtual control inputs and partial Lyapunov functions. The stability of the system is easily proven via the Lyapunov function. Abundant simulation results validate the theoretical analysis.
Key words:
- Mobile robots /
- trajectory tracking /
- backstepping method /
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