摘要: 讨论了广义区间动力系统正则性、I-能控与C-能控问题.由于上述问题等价于判别某 个区间矩阵为列满秩,首先得到判别区间矩阵为列满秩的充分条件与充分必要条件,进一步得 到了判别广义区间系统为正则的充分必要条件、I-能控的充分条件与C-能控的充分必要条件. 通过数值实例说明所得到的结果相对于已有结果更具有一般性及有效性.由对偶原理,得到相 应的能观性的判据.Abstract: The regularity,I-controllability and C-controllability of descriptor interval systems are discussed. Necessary and sufficient conditions or sufficient conditions for a descriptor interval system to be regular, I-controllable and C-controllable are given base on the criterions yielded on an interval matrix of full column rank. Numerical example shows that the results are more common and valid than some exiting results. The corresponding results for the dual observability problems are straightforward extensjons.
Key words:
- Descriptor interval systems /
- regularity /
- controllability /
- interval matrices
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