First of all, in this article we'll discuss all kinds of demands on feeding servosystem
set by N. C. Machine-tool. These demands taking into consideration both the
system with control motor and driving motor rare indeed quite strict. There-fore the
feeding servo-system has become active in research sphere. Secondly, this article
makes comments on some simple feeding servo-systems, which are different from those
simple N.C. devices abroad. In this article, the three kinds of popular feeding servosystems
(system with stepping motor, system with low-inertia D. C. servo-motor, system
with wide bound speed-regulation D. C. torque motor) are analysed and compared
in details according to the above-mentioned demands and its characteristics.
The range of application of each kind is also pointed out. At the same time, a new
basic concept about the system with A.C. motor under the control, of a computer is
explained here. At the end of this article some suggestions have been put forward
to further study feeding servo-system for N.C. machine-tool.