摘要: 导向控制在非完整约束轮式移动机器人的运动控制中具有重要作用.该文通过建立人 工场的方法来引导和控制方向角,通过辅助的线速度控制前进或后退,以获取最佳收敛路径.同 时考虑到实际系统速度饱和限制,从而设计出一种新的非连续位姿镇定律.并将该结果扩展,使 得平面内任意点-点镇定、轨迹跟踪和路径跟踪问题均可得以实现,且对于跟踪问题仅需知道期 望位姿,所得控制器不仅设计简单、鲁棒性强、收敛速度快,还具有一定的普遍性.Abstract: Steering places an important role in control of nonholonomic wheeled mobile robots (WMRs). In this paper, we use artificial fields to steer and control the steering angle and derive a linear velocity control law to guarantee the optimal convergent trajectory. The proposed approach can be used to realize arbitrary point-to-point stabilization, trajectory tracking and path following. Easy design, fast convergence, and adaptability to other nonholonomic mobile bases are also its obvious advantages compared to some existing methods.
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