The Identification of Transfer Functions in Series Vibration System With Multiple Degrees of Freedom
摘要: 本文考虑多自由度串联振动系统传递函数的辨识问题.分析表明,从输入输出结构看这 是一个多级闭环系统,如用模态分析技术建模,需解2n阶状态方程的特征值问题,随着n的增 大,计算量增大,参数估计精度下降.本文从系统辨识角度提出一种二阶振荡系统传递函数辨 识方法,分别处理各个自由度的传递函数辨识,仿真计算结果表明该方法比模态分析法简便有 效.Abstract: In this paper, the problem of identifying transfer functions in the vibration system with multiple degrees of freedom is dealt with. According to its input-output structure, such system is a multiple crossed closed loop system. By mode analyzing technique, it is required to solve an eigenvalue problem on the state equation of the degree of 2n. As n increases, tile computational demand for mode analyzing technique will increase greatly and the accuracy of parameter estimation will decrease. A method which can unifiedly deal with every stage's identification for a second order vibration system, and identify all transfer functions in the system is presented. The simulation results show that the method is simpler and more convenient than the mode analyzing technique for this class of systems.
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