2006年 第32卷 第3期
2006, 32(3): 321-328.
Aiming at the coupling characteristic between the two groups of electromagnets embedded in the module of the maglev train, a nonlinear decoupling controller is designed. The module is modeled as a double-electromagnet system, and based on some reasonable assumptions its nonlinear mathematical model, a MIMO coupling system, is derived. To realize the linearization and decoupling from the input to the output, the model is linearized exactly by means of feedback linearization, andan equivalent linear decoupling model is obtained. Based on the linear model, a nonlinear suspension controller is designed using state feedback. Simulations and experiments show that the controller can effectually solve the coupling problem in double-electromagnet suspension system.
Aiming at the coupling characteristic between the two groups of electromagnets embedded in the module of the maglev train, a nonlinear decoupling controller is designed. The module is modeled as a double-electromagnet system, and based on some reasonable assumptions its nonlinear mathematical model, a MIMO coupling system, is derived. To realize the linearization and decoupling from the input to the output, the model is linearized exactly by means of feedback linearization, andan equivalent linear decoupling model is obtained. Based on the linear model, a nonlinear suspension controller is designed using state feedback. Simulations and experiments show that the controller can effectually solve the coupling problem in double-electromagnet suspension system.
2006, 32(3): 322-328.
Aiming at the coupling characteristic between the two groups of electromagnets embedded in the module of the maglev train, a nonlinear decoupling controller is designed. The module is modeled as a double-electromagnet system, and based on some reasonable assumptions its nonlinear mathematical model, a MIMO coupling system, is derived. To realize the linearization and decoupling from the input to the output, the model is linearized exactly by means of feedback linearization, and an equivalent linear decoupling model is obtained. Based on the linear model, a nonlinear suspension controller is designed using state feedback. Simulations and experiments show that the controller can effectually solve the coupling problem in double-electromagnet suspension system.
Aiming at the coupling characteristic between the two groups of electromagnets embedded in the module of the maglev train, a nonlinear decoupling controller is designed. The module is modeled as a double-electromagnet system, and based on some reasonable assumptions its nonlinear mathematical model, a MIMO coupling system, is derived. To realize the linearization and decoupling from the input to the output, the model is linearized exactly by means of feedback linearization, and an equivalent linear decoupling model is obtained. Based on the linear model, a nonlinear suspension controller is designed using state feedback. Simulations and experiments show that the controller can effectually solve the coupling problem in double-electromagnet suspension system.
2006, 32(3): 329-336.
The adaptive fault-tolerant control scheme of dynamic nonlinear system based on the credit assigned fuzzy CMAC neural network is presented. The proposed learning approach uses the learned times of addressed hypercubes as the credibility, the amounts of correcting errors are proportional to the inversion of the learned times of addressed hypercubes. With this idea, the learning speed can indeed be improved. Based on the improved CMAC learning approach and using the sliding control technique, the effective control law reconfiguration strategy is presented. Thesystem stability and performance are analyzed under failure scenarios. The numerical simulation demonstrates the effectiveness of the improved CMAC algorithm and the proposed fault-tolerant controller.
The adaptive fault-tolerant control scheme of dynamic nonlinear system based on the credit assigned fuzzy CMAC neural network is presented. The proposed learning approach uses the learned times of addressed hypercubes as the credibility, the amounts of correcting errors are proportional to the inversion of the learned times of addressed hypercubes. With this idea, the learning speed can indeed be improved. Based on the improved CMAC learning approach and using the sliding control technique, the effective control law reconfiguration strategy is presented. Thesystem stability and performance are analyzed under failure scenarios. The numerical simulation demonstrates the effectiveness of the improved CMAC algorithm and the proposed fault-tolerant controller.
2006, 32(3): 337-344.
对基于绝对二次曲线和基于绝对二次曲面的两类摄像机自标定方法的鲁棒性进行了分析,并从矩阵条件数出发,通过大量仿真实验对两类方法进行了定量比较.实验结果表明, 基于绝对二次曲线的摄像机自标定方法的系数矩阵的条件数一般小于基于绝对二次曲面方法的系数矩阵的条件数.另外,当常数因子有误差时,基于绝对二次曲面方法的系数矩阵条件数的变化一般比基于绝对二次曲线方法系数矩阵条件数的变化更剧烈.上述二点表明,基于绝对二次曲线的自标定方法的鲁棒性一般要优于基于绝对二次曲面的自标定方法.上述结论与文献中的一些实验观察正好相佐.
对基于绝对二次曲线和基于绝对二次曲面的两类摄像机自标定方法的鲁棒性进行了分析,并从矩阵条件数出发,通过大量仿真实验对两类方法进行了定量比较.实验结果表明, 基于绝对二次曲线的摄像机自标定方法的系数矩阵的条件数一般小于基于绝对二次曲面方法的系数矩阵的条件数.另外,当常数因子有误差时,基于绝对二次曲面方法的系数矩阵条件数的变化一般比基于绝对二次曲线方法系数矩阵条件数的变化更剧烈.上述二点表明,基于绝对二次曲线的自标定方法的鲁棒性一般要优于基于绝对二次曲面的自标定方法.上述结论与文献中的一些实验观察正好相佐.
2006, 32(3): 345-352.
2006, 32(3): 353-359.
2006, 32(3): 360-367.
2006, 32(3): 368-377.
粒子群优化算法在优化问题中体现出良好的性能,但目前还没有对其运动特性,尤其是参数的选择与当粒子群体陷入局部极值点导致的早熟收敛情况的详细分析.分析了PSO算法中的三种粒子模型(Gbest,Pbest,Commom模型)的运动特性,给出了Gbest模型和Pbest 模型在没有新息获取时,单信息条件下的最大搜索空间.进一步证明了在减少了Lipschitz条件约束的条件下,Common模型渐进稳定的充分条件,将算法中惯量因子的取值范围扩大到 (-1,1),并从物理上进行了解释.
粒子群优化算法在优化问题中体现出良好的性能,但目前还没有对其运动特性,尤其是参数的选择与当粒子群体陷入局部极值点导致的早熟收敛情况的详细分析.分析了PSO算法中的三种粒子模型(Gbest,Pbest,Commom模型)的运动特性,给出了Gbest模型和Pbest 模型在没有新息获取时,单信息条件下的最大搜索空间.进一步证明了在减少了Lipschitz条件约束的条件下,Common模型渐进稳定的充分条件,将算法中惯量因子的取值范围扩大到 (-1,1),并从物理上进行了解释.
2006, 32(3): 378-385.
2006, 32(3): 386-392.
针对基于主成分分析识别人脸存在计算复杂、不能准确地估计训练图像的协方差矩阵等问题,提出了一种基于描述特征的人脸识别算法(Expressive feature face recognitionalgorithm, EFFRA).该算法用训练图像的右奇异向量代替PCA求解的子空间的基向量,避免了将人脸图像转换成图像向量,明显降低了计算复杂性.进一步研究发现,EFFRA提取的每一个主成分向量中含有冗余,在此基础上,利用PCA实现了EFFRA的简化算法(MEFFRA),在ORL和Essex数据库上的实验结果表明,EFFRA及MEFFRA明显优于特征脸算法,MEFFRA的识别精度略好于EFFRA,但明显减少了对存储空间的需求.
针对基于主成分分析识别人脸存在计算复杂、不能准确地估计训练图像的协方差矩阵等问题,提出了一种基于描述特征的人脸识别算法(Expressive feature face recognitionalgorithm, EFFRA).该算法用训练图像的右奇异向量代替PCA求解的子空间的基向量,避免了将人脸图像转换成图像向量,明显降低了计算复杂性.进一步研究发现,EFFRA提取的每一个主成分向量中含有冗余,在此基础上,利用PCA实现了EFFRA的简化算法(MEFFRA),在ORL和Essex数据库上的实验结果表明,EFFRA及MEFFRA明显优于特征脸算法,MEFFRA的识别精度略好于EFFRA,但明显减少了对存储空间的需求.
2006, 32(3): 393-399.
研究了遗传程序设计(GP)算法中适应度函数的光滑拟合问题,结合LAMs(Linear association memorys)方法和HJ(Hook和Jeevs)方法两种方法,估计GP树数值权值,以减少GP树适应度值评价的计算代价.光滑拟合的好坏关键取决于调整参数的选择.提出了一种选择调整参数的新方法,同时,给出了两个数学例子,并与广义交叉实验B-样条函数仿真比较验证.
研究了遗传程序设计(GP)算法中适应度函数的光滑拟合问题,结合LAMs(Linear association memorys)方法和HJ(Hook和Jeevs)方法两种方法,估计GP树数值权值,以减少GP树适应度值评价的计算代价.光滑拟合的好坏关键取决于调整参数的选择.提出了一种选择调整参数的新方法,同时,给出了两个数学例子,并与广义交叉实验B-样条函数仿真比较验证.
2006, 32(3): 400-410.
2006, 32(3): 411-416.
A new hierarchical switching control system of multiple models based on robust control theory is designed for some plant with large uncertainties. The model set and controller set are designed by robust control theory and the characteristics of robust control system are taken into account. A new kind of switching index function by estimating uncertainty is designed. Furthermore,stability of the closed system is analyzed by the small gain theorem in the sense of exponentially weighted L2 norm. And simulation is done on a plant with both parameter uncertainty and unmodeled dynamics. Both theoretical analysis and simulation results show that this new hierarchical switching control system can control the plant with large uncertainties effectively and has good performance of tracking and stability.
A new hierarchical switching control system of multiple models based on robust control theory is designed for some plant with large uncertainties. The model set and controller set are designed by robust control theory and the characteristics of robust control system are taken into account. A new kind of switching index function by estimating uncertainty is designed. Furthermore,stability of the closed system is analyzed by the small gain theorem in the sense of exponentially weighted L2 norm. And simulation is done on a plant with both parameter uncertainty and unmodeled dynamics. Both theoretical analysis and simulation results show that this new hierarchical switching control system can control the plant with large uncertainties effectively and has good performance of tracking and stability.
2006, 32(3): 417-421.
A multiscale principal component analysis method is proposed for sensor fault detection and identification. After decomposition of sensor signal by wavelet transform, the coarse-scale coef-ficients from the sensors with strong correlation are employed to establish the principal component analysis model. A moving window is designed to monitor data from each sensor using the model.For the purpose of sensor fault detection and identification, the data in the window is decomposed with wavelet transform to acquire the coarse-scale coefficients firstly, and the square prediction error is used to detect the failure. Then the sensor validity index is introduced to identify faulty sensor,which provides a quantitative identifying index rather than qualitative contrast given by the approach with contribution. Finally, the applicability and effectiveness of the proposed method is illustrated by sensors of industrial boiler.
A multiscale principal component analysis method is proposed for sensor fault detection and identification. After decomposition of sensor signal by wavelet transform, the coarse-scale coef-ficients from the sensors with strong correlation are employed to establish the principal component analysis model. A moving window is designed to monitor data from each sensor using the model.For the purpose of sensor fault detection and identification, the data in the window is decomposed with wavelet transform to acquire the coarse-scale coefficients firstly, and the square prediction error is used to detect the failure. Then the sensor validity index is introduced to identify faulty sensor,which provides a quantitative identifying index rather than qualitative contrast given by the approach with contribution. Finally, the applicability and effectiveness of the proposed method is illustrated by sensors of industrial boiler.
2006, 32(3): 422-427.
Abstract The control of underactuated mechanical systems is very complex for the loss of its control inputs. The model of underactuated mechanical systems in a potential field is built with Lagrangian method and its structural properties are analyzed in detail. A stable control approach is proposed for the class of underactuated mechanical systems. This approach is applied to an unde ractuated double-pendulum-type overhead crane and the simulation results illustrate the correctness of dynamics analysis and validity of the proposed control algorithm.
Abstract The control of underactuated mechanical systems is very complex for the loss of its control inputs. The model of underactuated mechanical systems in a potential field is built with Lagrangian method and its structural properties are analyzed in detail. A stable control approach is proposed for the class of underactuated mechanical systems. This approach is applied to an unde ractuated double-pendulum-type overhead crane and the simulation results illustrate the correctness of dynamics analysis and validity of the proposed control algorithm.
2006, 32(3): 428-432.
Symmetric workpiece localization algorithms combine alternating optimization and linearization. The iterative variables are partitioned into two groups. Then simple optimization approaches can be employed for each subset of variables, where optimization of configuration variables is simplified as a linear least-squares problem (LSP). Convergence of current symmetric localization algorithms is discussed firstly. It is shown that simply taking the solution of the LSP as start of the next iteration may result in divergence or incorrect convergence. Therefore in our enhanced algorithms, line search is performed along the solution of the LSP in order to find a better point reducing the value of objective function. We choose this point as start of the next iteration. Better convergence is verified by numerical simulation. Besides, imposing boundary constraints on the LSP proves to be another efficient way.
Symmetric workpiece localization algorithms combine alternating optimization and linearization. The iterative variables are partitioned into two groups. Then simple optimization approaches can be employed for each subset of variables, where optimization of configuration variables is simplified as a linear least-squares problem (LSP). Convergence of current symmetric localization algorithms is discussed firstly. It is shown that simply taking the solution of the LSP as start of the next iteration may result in divergence or incorrect convergence. Therefore in our enhanced algorithms, line search is performed along the solution of the LSP in order to find a better point reducing the value of objective function. We choose this point as start of the next iteration. Better convergence is verified by numerical simulation. Besides, imposing boundary constraints on the LSP proves to be another efficient way.
2006, 32(3): 433-437.
This paper focuses on the fast rate fault detection filter (FDF) problem for a class of multirate sampled-data (MSD) systems. A lifting technique is used to convert such an MSD system into a linear time-invariant discrete-time one and an unknown input observer (UIO) is considered as FDF to generate residual. The design of FDF is formulated as an H∞ optimization problem and a solvable condition as well as an optimal solution are derived. The causality of the residual generator can be guaranteed so that the fast rate residual can be implemented via inverse lifting. A numerical example is included to demonstrate the feasibility of the obtained results.
This paper focuses on the fast rate fault detection filter (FDF) problem for a class of multirate sampled-data (MSD) systems. A lifting technique is used to convert such an MSD system into a linear time-invariant discrete-time one and an unknown input observer (UIO) is considered as FDF to generate residual. The design of FDF is formulated as an H∞ optimization problem and a solvable condition as well as an optimal solution are derived. The causality of the residual generator can be guaranteed so that the fast rate residual can be implemented via inverse lifting. A numerical example is included to demonstrate the feasibility of the obtained results.
2006, 32(3): 438-443.
This paper describes the synthesis of robust and non-fragile H∞ state feedback controllers for a class of uncertain jump linear systems with Markovian jumping parameters and state multiplicative noises. Under the assumption of a complete access to the norm-bounds of the system uncertainties and controller gain variations, sufficient conditions on the existence of robust stochastic stability and γ-disturbanee attenuation H∞ property are presented. A key feature of this scheme is that the gain matrices of controller are only based on lt, the observed projection of the current regime rt.
This paper describes the synthesis of robust and non-fragile H∞ state feedback controllers for a class of uncertain jump linear systems with Markovian jumping parameters and state multiplicative noises. Under the assumption of a complete access to the norm-bounds of the system uncertainties and controller gain variations, sufficient conditions on the existence of robust stochastic stability and γ-disturbanee attenuation H∞ property are presented. A key feature of this scheme is that the gain matrices of controller are only based on lt, the observed projection of the current regime rt.
2006, 32(3): 444-449.
2006, 32(3): 450-455.
2006, 32(3): 456-461.
2006, 32(3): 462-469.
2006, 32(3): 470-474.
2006, 32(3): 475-480.
提出了一种基于内禀模态(Intrinsic mode functions,简称IMFs)奇异值分解和支持向量机(Support vector machine,简称SVM)的故障诊断方法.采用经验模态分解(Empirical mode decomposition,简称EMD)方法对旋转机械故障振动信号进行分解,将得到的若干个内禀模态分量自动形成初始特征向量矩阵,然后对该矩阵进行奇异值分解,提取其奇异值作为故障特征向量,并进一步根据支持向量机分类器的输出结果来判断旋转机械的工作状态和故障类型.对齿轮振动信号的分析结果表明,即使在小样本情况下,基于内禀模态奇异值分解和支持向量机的故障诊断方法仍能有效地识别齿轮的工作状态和故障类型.
提出了一种基于内禀模态(Intrinsic mode functions,简称IMFs)奇异值分解和支持向量机(Support vector machine,简称SVM)的故障诊断方法.采用经验模态分解(Empirical mode decomposition,简称EMD)方法对旋转机械故障振动信号进行分解,将得到的若干个内禀模态分量自动形成初始特征向量矩阵,然后对该矩阵进行奇异值分解,提取其奇异值作为故障特征向量,并进一步根据支持向量机分类器的输出结果来判断旋转机械的工作状态和故障类型.对齿轮振动信号的分析结果表明,即使在小样本情况下,基于内禀模态奇异值分解和支持向量机的故障诊断方法仍能有效地识别齿轮的工作状态和故障类型.